Product Name Lemon Juice Concentrate CAS Number 404-86-4
Molecular Weight 305.4162 Molecular Formula C18H27NO3


Aspect Viscous Liquid Color Fresh lemon juice typical yellow color
Smell – Flavor Healthy & Mature fruit, free of smells and strange flavors Direct Brix 46.5 – 50.5
Corrected Brix 52.0 – 56.5 Acidity 31.5 – 33.5
Acidity – GPL 400 – 450 Ratio 1.5 – 1.8
pH 1.7 – 2.3 Amino Acid Index 120 – 220
Reconstituted 8 degrees brix Retention Mesh 40 Negative
Pulp (370 G) 6.0- 8.0 Color Normal
Smell Charact Flavor Charact
Preservatives Negative Aeribios Mesofilius <100 UFC/g
Mushrooms & Yeasts <300 UFC/g


55 gallon drums (Other packing options are available upon request)

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