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About OKC

OKC is the largest kosher certification agency in europe, as well as one of the top five in the world. The OKC logo is recognised and respected by both manufacturers and consumers worldwide. OKC certify some 40,000 ingredients and over 3,500 retail products across six continents. OKC is an acronym for Kashrut (Kosher) Division of the London Beth Ddin (Jewish court of law). The organisation is also known as Badatz London. The court is headed by Dayan Menachem Gelley and is under the auspices of the Chief Rabbi. The OKC, a world leading authority on Jewish and kosher law, is proud to have been a leading force in kosher certification for more than a century.

The OKC team, operating from its London-based headquarters, comprises world-class technical experts who are qualified in chemistry and food technology, in addition to a skilled team of production and commercial consultants. These personnel together with OKC representatives and agents around the world work with companies as certification partners. This enables OKC to meet individual company’s needs, increasing customer satisfaction and developing longstanding relationships with clients.

Meet the Team

Orthodox Kosher Certification (OKC) is known for their pragmatic approach to solving the challenges faced in certain complex production environments. The organisation’s expertise includes flavours, aromas, herbal extracts, dairy ingredients, fats and oils, and retail products. Currently, Orthodox Kosher Certification (OKC) certifies numerous multi-national food brands, processors and raw material manufacturers and offer an affordable and expert kosher certification service. Leading clients include Arla, DMK, Givaudan, IFF and Treatt. On supermarket shelves recent converts to kosher include Hovis®, Marmite®, Nescafe®, Starbucks® and Warburtons®.

Orthodox Kosher Certification (OKC) is a member of several national and international organisations.
Read More Why Go Kosher?

Our History

With the return of the Jews to England in 1656, a central religious authority was established in the 1700s. In 1934, with the appointment of the Gaon HaRav Yechezkel Abramsky (the author of Chazon Yechezkel) as Rosh (Head) Beth Din, the London Beth Din (LBD) became a world ranking authority on Jewish law; many of his policies are still followed to this day. The LBD combines both the Beth Din – Rabbinic Court of Justice and the Kosher Division (OKC). For over a century OKC has been certifying factories, in 1902 Marmite became kosher certified.

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During this time, trusted and professional relationships have been built. Treatt Group is a thriving and ever-expanding business, and coupled with our extensive product range and customer base, seeing the LBD Kosher logo on our materials goes a long way to assure our customers that they are receiving quality products.

Williams Anderson
Treati Group

Very well conducted audit. Randy was a great auditor very personable and was able to fit us in amid the pandemic. I would recommend him and QCI to anyone.

Dustin Livermore
Sioux Honey Association Co-op

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