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BRCGS Gluten-Free Certification

The BRCGS Gluten-Free Certification Program provides assurance to customers and consumers that a product has been produced, processed, and controlled in compliance with specific gluten-free requirements.

The specific products and categories covered may vary depending on the certification body and the requirements of the certification program. QCI Global can provide detailed information on the scope of the BRCGS Gluten-Free Certification and its applicability to different product categories.

The BRCGS Gluten-Free Certification Program provides your business with the opportunity to leverage certification and gain access to the ever-growing gluten-free market.

Key Benefits

Reduce Risk

The Gluten-Free standard is developed based on proven, globally recognized, and science-based food safety protocols. The requirements of the standard are designed to ensure that gluten-free products meet the necessary criteria for safe consumption by individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.

Grow Your Business

BRCGS Gluten-Free standard can offer significant business opportunities in the growing gluten-free market. By obtaining certification, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to producing safe and reliable gluten-free products, which can enhance their reputation and differentiate them from competitors.

Build Brand Loyalty

In a sensitive marketplace where consumers have dietary restrictions and rely on gluten-free products for their health and well-being, trust and brand loyalty are paramount. The Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP) plays a crucial role in building that trust and fostering brand loyalty among consumers.

The AOECS Gluten-Free Foods Additional Voluntary Module for Food Safety Issue 8 has been withdrawn from public use as of December 31, 2020, with the new BRCGS Gluten-Free Certification Program (GFCP) being the recommended alternative. If your organization has been using the previous module, it is necessary to transition to the new GFCP.

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