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Integrated Management Systems

Optimize business disciplines through certification to international Standards in Quality, Environment, Health and Safety and Information Security.

Stand above the competition by adopting a selection of global benchmark standards focused on customer outcomes and improving organizational efficiency.

Management systems are important tools for supporting competitive organizations that must adhere to legal and tender requirements for production, services, and business activities.

Businesses today face increasing levels of complexity and risk, which has been further compounded by the global pandemic. In a recent American Institute of Certified Public Accountants survey, 57% of respondents perceived an increase in the volume and complexities of risk for their business. In addition to facing increased demands, organizations often find the performance requirements conflict with strategic goals. For instance, an organization may strive to:

  • Deliver high quality products at a low price
  • Achieve global scale while retaining local knowledge or
  • Guarantee fast and reliable supply of quality products

This growing complexity requires a more sophisticated approach to risk management as organizations take a more progressive approach to certification. They recognize that standards are more than just a checkbox to remain compliant with regulators or request for proposal reviewers. Certification to one or more ISO standard can support a risk-based-thinking culture that promotes: ‘whole organization’ involvement and commitment, continuous improvement, competitive advantage, and greater efficiency.

Many organizations have realized the value from having certifications aligned to their strategic priorities, including Quality, Environment, Health and Safety and Information Security.

Drive Operational Excellence by Unifying Your People, Processes and Technology

Implement a modern framework that changes with the evolving needs of the business.

What is an Integrated Management System?

An Integrated Management System is a combined system that manages multiple aspects of an organization’s operations in line with standards such as: Quality; Environmental; Health and Safety; and Information Security.

When quality control and performance sit at the core of your organization, ISO 9001 provides a customer-focused framework for delivering consistent, quality products.

  • Studies have shown organizations certified to ISO 9001 outperform non-certified companies financially
  • Greater governance, understanding and transparency throughout the organization
  • Motivated staff who understand their roles and how their work affects quality
  • Improved management and operational processes results in reduced waste of resources and time, increased productivity, and cost savings
  • Facilitates continual improvement, and enhances reporting and insight quality

When you need to build a healthy and safe workplace for your employees, ISO 45001 helps manage OHS risks and opportunities, reducing downtime and cost of operational disruptions.

  • Improve employee health, reduce absenteeism, increased productivity
  • Embed both employer and employee acceptance of health and safety responsibilities
  • Reduced workplace/healthcare insurance premiums and lost time related costs
  • Simplified integration into existing ISO-based Management Systems

When your business needs to quantify, monitor and control ongoing environmental impacts from operations throughout the product’s lifecycle, ISO 14001 improves corporate responsibility and credibility.

  • Minimize the risk of regulatory and environmental liability
  • Improve organizational efficiency, through a reduction in waste and consumption
  • Reduced costs, energy consumption, emissions, discharges, waste handling, transport and disposal

When it’s important to protect your organization’s integrity and your customers’ information, ISO 27001 helps by focusing on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

  • Support business growth by identifying and assessing information security risks and opportunities with outcome-driven results
  • Build confidence and trust with stakeholders by demonstrating your compliance to information security requirements
  • Implement processes and controls that improve your organization’s ability to identify and manage information security risks

Integrated Management Systems Standards & Schemes

Improve the efficiency of your organization and audit program when you integrate management systems Standards. Combine your Quality, Environment, Health and Safety and Information Security programs.

Product Certification
Gas Safety Certification Scheme
Gas Safety Certification Scheme QCI Global offers Gas Safety Certification for gas appliances and components. QCI Global’s Gas Appliances and Components Scheme is a type…
Assurance Terms & Conditions
Assurance Terms & Conditions Asia-Pacific Australia (UK English) Terms and Conditions for Certification, Assessment Services and TradeMark Licence Indonesia (Bahasa) Ketentuan & syarat-syarat untuk Jasa…
Manufacturing & Engineering
Manufacturing & Engineering ISO certification can indeed provide an immediate boost to an organization’s credibility and reputation, giving them a competitive edge in the market.…
Standards & Schemes
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized standard that provides a framework for organizations to establish and implement an effective environmental…
Packaging Food packaging serves multiple purposes, including preserving the quality and safety of food products, providing information to consumers, and enhancing convenience. Manufacturers face potential…
Audit & Certification
Integrated Management Systems
Integrated Management Systems Optimize business disciplines through certification to international Standards in Quality, Environment, Health and Safety and Information Security. Stand above the competition by…

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