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Non-Conformance Processes

QCI Global Assurance personnel, services, decisions, and clients


Non-conformance processes are an integral part of quality management systems and are designed to identify, document, and address instances where products, services, or processes do not meet specified requirements or standards.

It refers to a significant deviation or failure to meet specified requirements or standards within a quality management system.


A situation which would on the basis of available objective evidence, raise significant doubt as to the capability of the Management System to achieve the stated policy and objectives of the customer.

A minor non-conformance refers to a relatively minor deviation or non-compliance with specified requirements or standards within a quality management system.

Major Non-Conformance Process

  • This category of findings requires QCI Global to issue a formal NCR to receive and approve your proposed correction and corrective action plans, and formally verify the effective implementation of planned activities.
  • Correction and corrective action plan should be submitted to QCI Global prior to commencement of follow-up activities as required
  • Follow-up action by QCI Global must ‘close out’ the NCR or reduce it to a lesser category within 90 days or as specified in NCR form
  • Failure to comply with this process may impact your certification, e.g. suspension of certification

Minor Non-Conformance Process

  • This category of findings requires QCI Global to issue a formal NCR; to receive and approve your proposed correction and corrective action plans, and formally verify the effective implementation of planned activities at the next scheduled audit or within specified time frames.
  • Failure to comply with this process may result in a major non-conformance being issued or suspension of your certification.

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