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Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)

The PEFC (Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification) provides an assurance mechanism for purchasers of wood and paper products.

The roles of PEFC (Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification) is to provide a framework for the development of mutual recognition among national or sub-national forest certification schemes. These schemes are developed locally to meet internationally recognized requirements for sustainable forest management systems.

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Create Market Opportunities

Creating market opportunities involves identifying and capitalizing on potential avenues for business growth and expansion.

Meet Compliance Requirements

PEFC certification ensures that the products originate from forests that are managed in compliance with applicable legal requirements and international standards for sustainable forest management.

Secure Your Supply

PEFC certification, businesses can secure their supply of responsibly sourced materials. PEFC-certified forests provide a reliable and consistent source of wood and paper products that meet stringent sustainability criteria.

Provide Supply Chain Traceability

PEFC Chain of Custody certification plays a vital role in tracking the entire supply chain of wood and paper products, ensuring the sustainability and traceability of these materials from the source forest to the final product.

What Is It?

The core objective of the PEFC (Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification) is to promote the sustainable management of forests worldwide.

The PEFC (Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification) plays a crucial role in providing a framework for the mutual recognition of national or sub-national forest certification schemes. These schemes are developed locally and must meet internationally recognized requirements for sustainable forest management systems.

The PEFC Council, also known as the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes, is an independent and non-profit organization.

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) serves as a global umbrella organization that facilitates the assessment and mutual recognition of national forest certification schemes. These schemes are developed through multi-stakeholder processes.

PEFC’s membership consists of 32 national forest certification systems, and through a robust assessment process, these schemes contribute to the world’s largest certification scheme, covering millions of hectares of certified forests and ensuring sustainable timber production. QCI Global is among the certification bodies authorized to conduct audits to the SFI standard within the PEFC endorsement framework.

Related Resources

In addition to the services mentioned earlier, there are several related services that can further support improving business excellence maturity and sustainable business practices. These services include:

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