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Audit & Certification

Audit and certification solutions are services provided by specialized organizations to assess and verify compliance, quality, and adherence to standards and regulations. These solutions help businesses and organizations ensure that their processes, products, or services meet established criteria and requirements.

QCI Global Assurance is a reputable certification and auditing body that provides services related to management systems standards and schemes. They offer auditing and certification services in various areas.

Remote Auditing

Keep safe and take advantage of our new remote auditing service.

Why Certify

The adoption of standards and certification provides a solid framework for organizations to optimize business performance and drive continual improvement.

Certification Register

Search and identify organizations and products that have achieved certification status by QCI Global.

Audit & Certification Solutions

Adopting vital standards can indeed offer numerous benefits to organizations. Here are some advantages of implementing standards to gain a improve business performance, lower risk, and sustain a safe and positive workplace culture.

Standards & Schemes
Food Safety Culture
What is Food Safety Culture? Food Safety Culture refers to the collective attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors related to food safety within an organization. It is…
Standards & Schemes
ISO 13485 Medical Devices Management Systems
ISO 13485 Medical Devices Management Systems Organizations involved in the design, development, production, installation, and servicing of medical devices, as well as related services. ISO…
Standards & Schemes
FSSC 22000 Standard
FSSC 22000 FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification 22000) is a globally recognized food safety certification scheme. It provides a framework for effectively managing food…
Standards & Schemes
Responsible Recycling© (R2)
R2v3 – The Sustainable Electronics Reuse & Recycling (R2) Standard V3 The practice of refurbishing, de-manufacturing, recycling, and reusing electronics can pose various health and…
Audit & Certification
Food Service & Retail
Food Service & Retail Food service and retail are crucial sectors in the food industry that involve the preparation, distribution, and sale of food. Driving…
Assurance Terms & Conditions
Assurance Terms & Conditions Asia-Pacific Australia (UK English) Terms and Conditions for Certification, Assessment Services and TradeMark Licence Indonesia (Bahasa) Ketentuan & syarat-syarat untuk Jasa…

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