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Icon: www domain

Register .net domains for your business online

$1/1st year then $20/year
$1/1st year then $15/year
$1/1st year then $20/year
$7.50/1st year then $15/year
$1/1st year then $15/year
One of the most popular domain names
Original member of the first set of top level domains
99.9% of six character combinations are still unclaimed

Looking for a popular domain?

More than 15 million .net domains are registered worldwide

Establish credibility

Validate your business online with an established domain that has a legacy. .net is one of the select few domains that has been going strong since the beginning of the internet.
Icon: www domain

.net domain feature list

A .net domain at IONOS includes the following features:
Icon: Email


A professional email address (for example: me@mycompany.com) connected to your domain with 2 GB of mailbox space to start. Upgrade anytime for more space.
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For reliable protection of your website visitors and to increase your ranking on Google, one SSL Wildcard Certificate is included per contract.
Domain icon and subdomains linked below

10,000 subdomains

Up to 10,000 subdomains to customize and structure your website, for example: news.mycompany.com.
Icon: Socket and power plug

Easy setup

One-click activation makes it easy to connect your domain with email, hosting, or social media profiles.
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Domain lock

The domain transfer lock ensures your domain cannot be transferred by unauthorized third parties.
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24/7 customer support

Our professional, knowledgeable support team is always available for help and advice, 24/7.
Contact us

We are here – drop us a line if you have any questions or concerns.

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