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Local Business Listing

Put your business on the map

Most consumers use apps like Google Maps to find information about local businesses. IONOS List Local makes sure you get found and talked about.
See how your business is listed online
We'll look up your business in 25 online directories.

How List Local works

Save time by managing your business details in one easy-to-use tool that syncs your data across the most relevant directories and ensures that it is protected.
Engaging with your customers is more important now than ever before. Nine out of ten customers say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. With our review management feature you can answer questions and respond to reviews, all in one place.

Your business in the spotlight

Get found online and locally

Share your business with the world and get found where your customers are looking for you. Be found in the 25 most important online directories, including Google, Facebook, Opendi, Yelp, Foursquare and Waze, among others.

acompio, Bing Maps, eLocal, EZlocal, Facebook, factual, Foursquare, Google Maps, Google My Business, iGlobal, infobel, Instagram, My Local Services, n49.com, Navmii, Opendi, Pages24, ShowMeLocal, Tupalo, Uber, UScity.net, Waze, Where To?, Yalwa, yelp

You don't need any specific knowledge to get your business visible on the internet in minutes. Once online, rest assured that your data is protected.

Having your information correct and consistent in the biggest directories boosts your ranking in local Google searches. You might even find yourself highlighted on the front page.

Graphical display: Get found easily in search engines
Icon: Binoculars

Monitor your online visibility

See how relevant your business is on Google with our online visibility index. This will provide you with visitor statistics and up-to-date click data from Facebook and Google.

If you decide to take steps to improve your visibility, you'll be guided through the process with helpful advice.

And you'll be informed automatically via email about new reviews, updated directories and social media posts.

Icon: customer management

Keep your customers informed

Develop rewarding relationships with your customers, increase sales with special offers and stay in touch.

Post pictures, events and news in directories and on social media.

Share your latest plans and special offers with Google posts and Facebook offer ads.

Icon: Stopwatch

Save time

Entering your business details into all of the different directories yourself would take hours.

List Local solves that problem: whenever something changes, like your opening hours, for example, you'll just need to enter it once and the changes will be updated automatically.

Build your reputation – with List Local Plus

Engaging with your customers is a great way to build a sustainable relationship.
Satisfied customers leave glowing reviews, and positive reviews drive sales. They also improve your Google ranking even more.
Managing all your reviews can be a struggle. List Local Plus collects them all in one place so you can respond to them directly, whether at home or on the go. You can even set up email notifications so you're notified whenever someone reviews you.
Graphical display: Facebook and Foursquare reviews

Package overview


6 months $5/month then $20/month

Local business listing
Get found in the 25 most important online directories such as Google, Facebook, Opendi, Yelp, Foursquare, and Waze.


6 months $10/month then $30/month

Local business listing
Get found in the 25 most important online directories such as Google, Facebook, Opendi, Yelp, Foursquare, and Waze.

Reputation management
Engage with your customers. Read and respond to all your reviews in real time.

State and local taxes will apply. Click here for our General Terms and Conditions.
Man with telephone handset
Your personal consultant

Helpful advice from a single point of contact. Exclusively for you. Experience customer service on a whole new plane. All this and more, free.

Learn more

Get found in 3 simple steps

Put your business on the map with our easy setup wizard.


You provide your business info – List Local takes care of the rest. All your data will get listed in the most important directories.


Create a new account in the Google business directory, or connect with your existing one. Similarly, create or connect with your Facebook business page. This step is optional, but strongly recommended for the best results.


From now on, whenever you want to make changes, such as to your opening hours or if you run a special offer, you only need to update it in IONOS List Local to have it reflected everywhere.

What do you want to do with List Local?

Our recommendation
List Local Essential
  • Get found in the most important online directories
  • Show up on Google My Business and Google Maps
  • Post directly to Google, Facebook and plenty of other directories
6 months $5/month then $20/month
Get it
Our recommendation
List Local Plus
  • List Local collects your customer reviews from all the connected directories
  • React to customer feedback in real time
  • Show your rating on Google My Business and other directories
6 months $10/month then $30/month
Get it
Our recommendation
List Local Plus
IONOS List Local optimizes your Google ranking using local SEO. This means:
  • Setting up a Google My Business entry
  • Making your data consistent in the important directories
  • Responding quickly to reviews
6 months $10/month then $30/month
Get it
Our recommendation
List Local Essential
  • Ensures that your business data is consistent
  • Your data is protected from being overwritten by third parties
  • Updates are synced across directories within 24 hours
6 months $5/month then $20/month
Get it
Customers choose IONOS List Local because it's the easiest way to ensure their business information is available to potential customers and consistent across the internet.

Local Business Listings

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

For small to medium businesses and self-employed people, local business listings are everything. Whether your customers or clients are looking for you via Google Maps, Facebook, Yelp or any other portal, it's vital that they find up-to-date, accurate and relevant business information. It is not just your website and your social media that matter, but also how your business is represented in terms of customer reviews.

For companies both young and old, knowing exactly what your customers are saying about your business can produce extremely valuable information. With IONOS List Local, you can ensure that your company is listed on all local business listings and easily monitor your company's reputation from one place. Your business is guaranteed to be listed on the most important online directories where your customers might search for you – including popular ones such as Google business directory and Facebook business pages. With just a few clicks of a mouse, you can increase your search engine visibility, build a community and open communication with your customers.

Responding to customer reviews across all local business listings can not only be a lot of work, but also overwhelming – even at the best of times. IONOS List Local allows you to respond directly to all user-generated content, including feedback, reviews and ratings all from one easy-to-use control center. Once logged in, you will see an overview of all online business directory listings. You will be notified each time you receive user-generated content from one of your many platforms, allowing you to then respond to each review as the owner of the listing. Maintaining consistent feedback to all your reviews – both good and bad – is key to connecting and interacting with your customers. Additionally, List Local provides you with comprehensive key figures (for example: location, time and platform) for you to further analyze trends and marketing strategies.

IONOS List Local allows you to connect with your customers across all local business listings quickly and easily. To monitor local listings across all platforms can be a task in and of itself and, more importantly, remaining consistent with all business information requires a lot of organization. NAP (Name, Address, Phone) consistency is one of the most basic, yet important first steps of any business. These days, with businesses being listed on more and more local business directories, it can be hard to keep track. IONOS List Local takes care of all this for you, helping you to find unauthorized changes and errors that could be detrimental to your business, and removing any duplicate listings that may cause further confusion. This, in turn, will improve your business's ranking on search engines and will help create a trustworthy overall digital presence.

With IONOS, it's easy. List Local is the central online management system for all your local business listings, including Google. With the help of the integrated Google API, you can create a business entry with both Google My Business and Google Maps, ensuring your company can be found via Google. You can easily change your information or location at a later date with the IONOS List Local control center. Being listed on the Google business directory will also have a positive influence on your business's Google ranking; the more prominently positioned your business is in the search results, the easier your customers can find you. Google Maps does not just provide the location of stores and providers in the area, but it also offers information and reviews too. It is therefore vital to have a good reputation on the Google business directory. With IONOS you can monitor all reviews and comments, allowing you to easily stay on top of all user-generated content.

The Facebook business page setup is a quick and easy process with IONOS List Local. For this, you need to configure your main Facebook page with Facebook Locations, and then connect your page with IONOS List Local. From here, you can easily manage the location data for multiple stores or offices belonging to one business. The program helps you publish content on a location-by-site basis, so your customers always get the information they need – such as location, opening hours, and contact details – in their respective region.

With a Facebook business page, you decide what information, details and facts to display across all your pages. IONOS List Local also allows you to monitor the reviews and postings on all Facebook locations from one place. With excellent reputation management functions, you can quickly respond to customers' questions or reviews. Maintaining a consistent voice on your Facebook location pages can help create an engaged network of customers.

These days, having an intuitive and informative website just isn't enough. If you do not yet have your own website, you may find the right solution for you with IONOS. List Local saves both time and energy when managing your local business listings. All you have to do is enter your information once, and IONOS places this on all the most important local business listings for you and your business. It also protects your information, and notifies you the second any information is changed or, for example, if any false information is added. It can often happen that crawling business directories somehow pick up on false information and add it to a business's profile. List Local, on the other hand, maintains consistency across all platforms by ensuring your listings remain current and relevant at all times. This uniform data means uniform signals to assist with your business's search engine ranking. Additionally, if your company is not yet in any local business listings, IONOS List Local will help you get there.

  • Google MyBusiness: This platform provides you the opportunity to attract lots of new customers. If a customer searches for your business, or other businesses within your industry, your Google entry will appear. In addition to general information, you can also add images.
  • Facebook: Facebook is one of the most important marketing tools for any business, regardless of size and trade. A Facebook business page allows companies to publicize all relevant information, to enter into a dialogue with customers, and to produce engaging content.
  • Bing Maps: The search engine also has a maps service that may be useful to most businesses. Your business will appear if customers either search your company or search a keyword or another business related to your company.
  • Yelp: With a Yelp business listing, customers can search your business directly, or you may be recommended to customers automatically, depending on their preferences and location.
  • Foursquare: This is a location-based app, which allows customers to search your business and provides results based on user-generated reviews.

Other local business listings of note:

  • Google Maps
  • eLocal
  • Instagram
  • Apple Maps
  • Uber
  • USCity
  • Tupalo
  • Plus many more

Navigation systems include:

  • Garmin
  • TomTom
  • HERE

IONOS also supports major car manufacturers, such as:

  • Toyota
  • Ford
  • BMW
  • Mercedes
  • Volkswagen
  • Audi
  • Fiat

The so-called POIs (Points of Interest) are sent to the above navigation systems. Customers can search through the navigation systems for your company, allowing your business to also appear on the map for chance encounters.

Reputation management with IONOS List Local is a quick and easy process. Simply log in to your control center and manage all your local business listings from one easy-to-use interface. Thanks to direct API connections to Google MyBusiness, Facebook, Foursquare, and many more directories, you can easily answer reviews and update info in real time. Having all reviews in one place allows you and your business to respond directly and immediately to your customers' experiences. Additionally, you can set up notifications for your review management in order to make sure your business remains on top of things. IONOS List Local also provides breakdowns and analytics based on your reviews, providing you with all the statistics and information you need about your customers.

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