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Search Engine Optimization

Boost your Google ranking

Expand your visibility in search engines with rankingCoach and direct more traffic towards your website.
Check your potential
Find out how search engines see your website, and where rankingCoach can help you to optimize your potential.

Professional search engine optimization

Master search engine optimization (SEO) with our in-depth guidance. We understand that SEO can seem like rocket science, but rankingCoach makes it understandable for everyone with step-by-step videos explaining how to optimize your website.
Watch this video to see how rankingCoach will help increase your website's visitor numbers.

Benefits of SEO with rankingCoach

Just like your own personal trainer, but without the cost.


Online marketing and SEO agencies can get expensive fast. Sure, with rankingCoach you might have to do the work yourself, but it'll pay off quickly if you hit the front page on Google.

No expertise required

With rankingCoach, you can start improving your website's search engine rankings even if you've never tried SEO before. rankingCoach will be your guide and mentor, using text and videos to walk you through clearly defined tasks to make your site more visible online, no matter what content management system (CMS) you use.

Tailored to you

Once rankingCoach knows your most important keywords, it will find more that relate to you and your business. It will show you how much competition there is for each term and how many people are searching for it, then guide you in choosing the best ones to focus on. You can also tell it who your competitors are, so that you can always try and stay one step ahead.
Graphical display: Extend reach in search engines with rankingCoach

SEO is an ongoing process

rankingCoach will help your through it.


rankingCoach checks the on-page and off-page status of your website. On-page refers mostly to what you and the search engine can see. Off-page refers to conversations about your website, and links leading there.


Using the checker's results, rankingCoach takes your keywords and suggests others that might be relevant. Then, with the help of text and videos, it walks you through steps to improve your website ranking. The recommendations are adapted to you — no matter what website builder or CMS you use.


SEO is an ongoing, continuous process. Improvement may not be immediate, but rankingCoach stays with you until you see results. By analyzing your keywords and those of your competitors, you will receive actionable suggestions for an even higher ranking.

Instant results with Google Ads

Go one step further with rankingCoach Plus. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Targeted advertising

Advertise with Google Ads and attract the right people at the right time. Search engine ads appear above or below Google search results when users search for your products or services.

Automated texts

Your SEO keywords will be used to generate ads that will appear on Google whenever users search for terms relating to your business or services.

Budget limit

Google Ads is pay per click, which means you only have to pay if someone clicks through to your website. You can set a fixed budget limit that rankingCoach will then use to maximize your exposure on Google.
Graphical display: Google search engine advertising
Package overview


12 months $8/month then $10/month

Search engine optimization
Rank higher on Google by optimizing your website without prior knowledge.


$20/month Risk-free for 30 days

Search engine optimization
Rank higher on Google by optimizing your website without prior knowledge.

Search engine advertising
In addition to SEO, target the right customers with Google Ads, and set your flexible advertising budget.

Get $75 credit towards your first Google Ads
Start using Google Ads now and get up to $75 in credit. Offer limited to new Google Ads customers and must be used within the first 30 days.

State and local taxes will apply. Click here for our General Terms and Conditions.
Man with telephone handset
Your personal consultant

Helpful advice from a single point of contact. Exclusively for you. Experience customer service on a whole new plane. All this and more, free.

Learn more
Customers choose IONOS rankingCoach to keep their businesses ahead of the competition. It's the easiest way to reach as many potential customers as possible through SEO without exceeding your budget.

Improve your Google ranking with rankingCoach

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

Google optimization is referred to by industry experts as search engine optimization (SEO). When looking at how to rank higher on Google, the most important factors to consider are the content of your website (text, images, etc.), backlinks — links on other websites that lead to your website — and the snippet. The snippet refers to the four-line entry which appears on the Google search results page. It is made up of the blue title, a green link and two lines of text which serve as the site description. You should write the title and site description yourself according to SEO standards. Otherwise, Google will automatically create the snippet using text from your website — meaning, for the site description, Google would simply display the first line of text from the relevant web page. In leaving Google to determine the site description, you are missing a crucial opportunity to improve SEO and increase your search engine ranking. It is essential that internet users are able to see from the entry title and description which products or services are behind the search result.

Backlinks refer to links on other websites which lead to your company page. Google counts these as recommendations for your site from third parties. If several such recommendations accrue, the reward is a higher website ranking. In order to get the most out of Google optimization, you should take the building up of backlinks into consideration. Use your contacts and pay attention to the credibility of the link-giving pages. If backlinks have obviously been paid for or come from dubious websites, Google will decrease the ranking of your website. Alongside these factors, there are also some technical website requirements which help to improve your Google ranking, such as fast loading time, for example. Choose web hosting with IONOS and we'll take care of the optimization of these elements for you.

Google always strives to give users the best possible search results. The company works diligently to distinguish high-quality websites from those which are untrustworthy or not as rich in content. With IONOS hosting and the associated website and shop solutions, you are on the safe side from the very beginning. Websites hosted with us have the best possible load time, and the page layout makes it easy to optimize for Google. We cannot create the texts for your products and services, however, we want to support you in writing text that will help to improve search engine rankings.

That's why we created a text optimization tool which can be used by every SEO beginner. When it comes to understanding how to improve Google rankings, the most crucial component is the logical distribution of the keywords — the terms that your target group uses to search Google — as well as their synonyms. For example, if you sell natural cosmetics, these are the keywords that must appear several times in your text. SEO experts consider optimal keyword weight to be 24% of the entire text. Our tool analyzes your texts and shows you which search terms would bring up the corresponding page on Google. This enables you to quickly and easily identify the keywords to which you can adapt the rest of your website text. The content of your text also affects your Google ranking. It's important to gear your text towards the needs of your readers and potential customers, offer useful information, purchasing advice or whatever fits your website. This way, you'll get found online that much easier.

Google optimization is included in the competitive monthly price of IONOS rankingCoach. The tool has been designed to be so simple that you will quickly find your bearings. What's more, it focuses only on the most important SEO measures that are known to increase search engine ranking. These include text optimization, snippet optimization (optimization of the search result entry) and the building of backlinks.

There are SEO tools (both free and paid for) which anyone can use to optimize their website themselves. The most well-known are SISTRIX or Searchmetrics. Majestic SEO or Ahrefs, and they're used specifically for backlink analysis. However, these tools are not so easy for SEO beginners. As a practical and affordable alternative for inexperienced web operators, we suggest Google optimization via our SEO tool. For one, it should noticeably improve your Google ranking. Furthermore, you save on the time that would be needed for training if you were to use a more extensive SEO tool — not to mention the money you save in comparison to paying an SEO agency.

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