$1/1st year then $20/year
$1/1st year then $15/year
$1/1st year then $20/year
$1/1st year then $20/year
Why buy a .ORG domain?
The home for great ideas
Open for anyone to use, .ORG gives voice to millions of organizations and individuals, civic groups, non-profits, clubs, political parties, charities or environmental associations. It is a powerful stage to bring inspirations and missions to the world.
People trust .ORG domains
For more than 30 years, .ORG has enabled organizations across the world to build a trusted online identity. It is a great launchpad for fair and unbiased content: when visitors see your domain extension, they will instantly understand that it is reputable and trustworthy.
Fundraising potential
.ORG provides a global platform for organizations and individuals to connect with like-minded people and supporters everywhere. It’s the best domain for uniting communities around a common purpose, objective, or mission.
What you should know about registering a .org domain
The .org domain is open for anyone to use—providing a powerful stage for organizations, associations, clubs, businesses and individuals to bring their inspiration to the world. This original open domain is where millions of websites connect people to their shared interests and passions.
See what sets a .org domain from IONOS by 1&1 apart
A professional email address (for example: me@mycompany.com) connected to your domain with 2 GB of mailbox space to start. Upgrade anytime for more space.
For reliable protection of your website visitors and to increase your ranking on Google, one SSL Wildcard Certificate is included per contract.
10,000 subdomains
Up to 10,000 subdomains to customize and structure your website, for example: news.mycompany.com.
Easy setup
One-click activation makes it easy to connect your domain with email, hosting, or social media profiles.
Domain lock
The domain transfer lock ensures your domain cannot be transferred by unauthorized third parties.
24/7 customer support
Our professional, knowledgeable support team is always available for help and advice, 24/7.
More useful options
Check out these other great products.
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Helpful advice from a single point of contact. Exclusively for you. Experience customer service on a whole new plane. All this and more, free.
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