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Bigelow Tea

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It’s really hard to beat the clean, uplifting effect of a cup of hot tea. Bigelow Tea is proud to provide literally dozens of kinds of delicious teas.
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    Bigelow Tea

    Refreshing, Delicious Bigelow Tea

    It’s really hard to beat the clean, uplifting effect of a cup of hot tea. Bigelow Tea is proud to provide literally dozens of kinds of delicious teas. With everything from black and green teas to teas flavored with flowers and fruit, Bigelow Tea is a world of teas itself. Tea has a relaxing, soothing effect, and its relatively low caffeine content makes it an excellent choice for those who are worried about their caffeine intake. And here’s a hint for summer: Bigelow teas make wonderful iced teas to help cool things off deliciously during hot weather.

    The Extra Care Taken at Bigelow Tea

    Not all teas are the same, and the care that Bigelow Tea takes to provide the best teas possible makes this company stand out from others. Ingredients are of the utmost importance when blending teas. Not only does Bigelow Tea start with premium black and green teas, it chooses gluten-free flavors from citrus, vanilla, among others to make memorable and delicious beverages to brighten any day. Keeping their teas fresh from start to cup is equally important, which is why Bigelow Tea wraps each tea bag in its own foil pouch to hold in all the flavor.

    Constant Comment Was the Start of Bigelow Tea

    Over 60 years ago, Ruth Bigelow formulated a new direction with black tea, citrus, and spices – known today as Constant Comment. From that first flavored tea sprang the Bigelow Tea company, a company still run by the Bigelow family. However, dedication to tea and tea drinking is not the only concern of Bigelow Tea, the company also supports such community projects as local food banks. Keeping the earth green and beautiful is another concern at Bigelow Tea, and they work actively to support sustainability – their use of solar panels has saved over 2,000,000 kWh of energy since 2007.