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Think small town Texas. Dr. Jones, an osteopathic physician, is in his office catching up on the latest clinical research.
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    Think small town Texas. Dr. Jones, an osteopathic physician, is in his office catching up on the latest clinical research. He has a steady stream of young patients coming in with ear and upper respiratory infections, and he wants to do anything he can to help. He comes across a few studies on xylitol, a natural sweetener derived from the fibrous parts of plants. As he reads, Dr. Jones learns how xylitol inhibits the formation of bacterial biofilm in the mouth, leading to improved oral health. He dives deeper and notices that xylitol has an anti-adhesive effect on Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus pneumoniae, creating an environment where the bacteria cannot flourish.

    Then he thinks. Those are the same bacteria that cause ear infections. Could xylitol work the same miracle in the Eustachian tubes as it does in the mouth?

    He puts his hypothesis to the test. After mixing some xylitol and saline together, he dispenses the solution into the nose of his granddaughter who has recurring ear infections. He instructs the child’s parents to use the spray at every diaper change. They follow the protocol and within days Dr. Jones’s granddaughter recovers. Infection-free without the use of antibiotics.

    After such a startling success, he starts using the solution with other patients suffering from ear and upper respiratory infections. They have similar results. And not only with ear infections, but with sinus issues, asthma, allergies, and colds too. People start traveling hundreds of miles to get their hands on the xylitol solution.

    Seeing the xylitol spray’s impact, Dr. Jones asks his son Nathan Jones to build a business to distribute it better.

    That’s how Xlear, Inc. was born.

    Today Xlear, Inc. has a few brands, including Xlear Sinus Care for a healthy upper respiratory system and Spry Dental Defense products for improved oral health. All brands use the magic of xylitol to help the body be healthy.

    Education is power, leading to a better life. We believe people deserve to know about and understand the natural options they have for healthier living. That's why we are committed to educating professionals, as well as consumers, about the benefits of xylitol in the body.

    Dental caries, tooth decay and cavities, is the most common disease in children. And with life expectancy getting higher, more and more of the geriatric population need easier options to take care of their teeth. Moreover, with so many superbugs forming from the overuse of antibiotics, professionals seek alternatives that can still help their patients be healthy.

    We have four healthcare professionals on staff, along with dozens of advocates, who attend and speak at over 120 different shows each year. They also conduct webinars and in-office trainings. We expend a significant amount of resources on educating dentists and medical professionals, so they can in turn help the public have healthier mouths and bodies

    We have also rolled out a sampling program with healthcare professionals, so they can help their patients breathe better and feel better with Xlear Nasal Spray. The sampling program gives free samples to all physicians who sign up. They can then educate their patients on the natural ways to have a healthy upper respiratory system and allow them to experience the benefits of Xlear.

    Additionally, we value educating the public on not only the benefits of Xlear but also current health concerns and remedies. We want everyone to live a happier, healthier life. We devote significant time to researching and writing articles for social media and the Xlear and Spry blogs so that people can have a go-to source for the best tips and practices to naturally living a healthier life.


    Xlear is committed to educating the consumer on how the Nasal Spray works in the body to effectively alleviate congestion. Xlear is a natural means to reduce sinus tissue inflammation and cleanse the sinuses of contaminants that are making people feel sick.