Coconut Aminos Teriyaki Sauce & Marinade - 10 fl. oz. Coconut Secret
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Coconut Secret - Coconut Aminos Teryaki Sauce - 10 oz. ( 296 ml)
Coconut Secret Coconut Aminos Teryaki Sauce is organic, gluten free, kosher, and vegan. When the coconut tree is tapped, it produces a nutrient-rich "sap" that exudes from the coconut blossoms. This sap is very low glycemic and is an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, broad-spectrum B vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH. The certified organic Teriyaki Sauce made from this natural sap, starts with their own original Coconut Aminos and Nectar infused with aromatic spices, creating the first ever soy-free Teriyaki Sauce for all your Asian-style cuisine.
- 100% Organic
- Gluten-Free
- Kosher
- Vegan
- Soy Free
- Low Sodium
- Non-GMO
- No MSG
Coconut Aminos vs. Soy-Based sauces
A comparison between coconut tree sap and soy, shows that coconut sap contains up to 14 times the amino acid content of soy. Many soy sauces on the market are fermented by first soaking the soybeans in water and salt, and then adding specific cultures of molds, yeasts, and bacteria to help catalyze the fermentation process. Coconut Aminos is made from coconut tree sap, which comes out of the tree so vital, active and alive with nutrients, that it is only blended with Coconut Secrets' own sun dried mineral-rich sea salt and aged, without the need for a fermentation booster or added water. As well, the majority of conventional soy sauces on the market are made with non-organic, genetically modified (GMO) soybeans. Long term use of unfermented soy-related products has led to an increase in soy allergies, a disruption in proper thyroid function, and an overload of estrogens in the body. Infants fed exclusively soy-based formula have 13,000 - 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula, the equivalent of five birth control pills per day.
Health Secrets of Coconut Aminos
When the coconut tree is tapped, it produces a naturally sweet, nutrient-rich "sap" that exudes from the coconut blossoms. This sap is very low glycemic and contains 17 amino acids, minerals, Vitamin C, broad-spectrum B vitamins, and has nearly neutral pH. Small batches ensure that organic Coconut Aminos, made from natural sap, is a raw, enzymatically alive product that never exceeds the temperatures of an average summer day in the tropics. The "Gran Molucas Sea Salt" used in Coconut Aminos, garners its name from the exotic, tropical island of Mindanao, the 2nd largest island in the Philippines. It is surrounded on all sides by converging Pacific ocean waters ~ the Sulu Sea to the West, the Celebes Sea to the South, and the Philippine Sea to the East. A local culinary heritage in Mindanao, this unbleached, unrefined, naturally white sea salt, is fed only by the sun and the sea. It is hand-harvested by local salt producers working as their forefathers did, in the ancestral salt fields. After many days of labor, the salt is then sun-dried (to evaporate excess moisture) in open-air cages lined with clay bricks. The result, is a distinctly flavorful and nutritious, mineral-rich, unrefined sea salt.
Health Benefits of Coconut Tree Products
Helps Prevent Obesity by speeding up metabolism, providing an immediate source of energy with fewer calories than other fats. People who consistently use coconut products, report a stronger ability to go without eating for several hours with no affects of hypoglycemia.
Improves Heart Health by providing healthy short chain and medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) that are essential to good health. Close to 98% of all fatty acids consumed are composed of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), which are very different from MCFA that have no negative effect on cholesterol ratios and help to lower the risk of atherosclerosis and protect against heart disease. Studies have shown that populations in Polynesia and Sri Lanka, where coconuts are a dietary staple, do not suffer from high serum cholesterol or heart disease. Unlike other fats, the unique properties of coconut also contain a large amount of lauric acid, which is the predominant fatty acid found in mother's milk.
High in Dietary Fiber rivaling other fiber sources such as psyllium, wheat bran, oat bran, and rice bran. Coconut supplies an impressive 61% dietary fiber! Foods contain two types of carbohydrates – digestible and non-digestible. Digestible carbohydrates (soluble fiber) consists of starch and sugar and promote calories. Non-digestible carbohydrates (insoluble fiber) contains NO calories. Since the body cannot digest the dietary fiber in coconut, no calories are derived from it and it has no effect on blood sugar.
Low Glycemic Index (GI) measures how fast available carbohydrates in food raise blood sugar levels. Coconut fiber slows down the release of glucose, therefore requiring less insulin to utilize the glucose and transport it into the cell where it is converted into energy. Coconut also assists in relieving stress on the pancreas and enzyme systems of the body, in turn, reducing the risks associated with Diabetes. Coconut Nectar and Crystals have a very low GI of only 35 (compared to honey with a GI of 55-83, and sugar with a GI of 65-100.)
Reduces Sweet Cravings and improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose. The healthy fat in coconut slows down any rise in blood sugar and helps to reduce hypoglycemic cravings.
Improves Digestion and many of the symptoms and inflammatory conditions associated with digestive and bowel disorders, by supporting absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids while also providing beneficial dietary fiber.
Quick Energy Boost that provides a super nutritious source of extra energy. Coconut is utilized by the body to actually produce energy, rather than to store it as body fat. It supports improved endurance during physical and athletic performance. As well, it promotes healthy thyroid function and helps to relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue.
Coconut helps to aid and support overall Immune System functions.
- Contains No Trans-Fats
- Is Gluten-Free
- Non-Toxic
- Hypoallergenic
- Antibacterial
- Antiviral
- Antifungal
- Anti-parasitic
About Coconut Secret
One of Leslie's all time favorite sayings was insightfully written by the late, great John Lennon: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"... No truer words had ever been spoken, as unbeknown to her brother and her, their "clearly thought out" business dream was about to change direction.
It all began in the Spring of 2008, with an overwhelming desire to create a low glycemic, gluten-free snack line that was truly safe for diabetics, using the purest, most organic, least processed ingredients they could find. A few years earlier both their parents were diagnosed with Diabetes, and they quickly became appalled at what was beingsugar2 passed off as "diabetic-safe" foods, especially in the snack category. They discovered, that oftentimes, sugar is disguised on labels in a myriad of creative technical terms. Newly invented imitation sugar substitutes are used as sweetening agents. Sugar in other forms are frequently added such as fruit juice concentrates, honey (which when heated and processed for use in manufacturing, essentially becomes sugar syrup), and the most infamous of all, "high fructose corn syrup" (HFCS), now widely known as one of the primary contributors to Diabetes and Obesity. None of these sweeteners are truly "safe", no matter how they are purported to breakdown in the body.
The bottom line, is that sugar by any other name is still perceived by your body as a sugar, and thus, prompts it to respond the same as it would with sugar by increasing blood sugar concentrations. This in turn, causes your body to produce an over abundance of insulin to compensate. A downward spiral begins to occur, as your blood sugar levels then take a dive in the opposite direction and decrease rapidly, thereby initiating an equally rapid decline in energy. An endless seesaw effect of ups and downs, that over time, truly takes its toll on their exhausted bodies.
Yikes ~ so sorry for the digression. Now back to the Coconut Secret story! As I mentioned, it all began with a heartfelt desire to create a low glycemic, gluten-free snack line for diabetics. And that is precisely what happened! They've been busy this past year creating an extensive line of coconut-based snacks to satisfy (and satiate!) virtually every kind of craving. They've recreseedlingated (with a few healthy improvements) some old time favorite snack bars, macaroons, and many other incredibly delicious surprises still to come!
The unexpected hairpin twist in the road (hence the Lennon quote), came when they discovered that the well-researched organic agave syrup supplier they were purchasing from for sweetening all of their products, was no longer selling the brand they had been using. Upon further investigation, they uncovered that this so called "reputable" raw, organic agave, was not raw, nor organic, and was watered down with corn syrup. To say that they were horrified is an understatement, but on another level, they were grateful beyond belief, to have revealed this atrocity before they had actually gone into full-scale production of their products. What an incredible blessing in disguise these turn of events ultimately morphed into...
At that point, I didn't trust ANY agave syrup! And yet, all of their recipes had been developed using agave as the low glycemic sweetener of choice. I then also began to discover through online blogs from respected gluten-free/Celiac websites, raw food sites, Autism sites, and Diabetes sites, that the overall public buzz was beginning to turn away from agave as an accepted low glycemic sweetener. Not because it isn't still considered to be well within the low glycemic range of less than 55 on the glycemic index (GI) scale (less than 55 is the agreed standard for "low" glycemic) ~ but because people are now recognizing that most agave syrup is very "processed", and therefore lacking in the majority of naturally occurring nutrients and enzymes needed in order for their bodies to properly digest and utilize it nutritionally. I then learned that most agave is "hydrolyzed" at temperatures of 140 degrees F. for approximately 36 hours in order to turn the agave juice which has almost no sweetness, into a sweet tasting syrup. The end product contains nearly 90% fructose. Even though fructose breaks down in the body at a much slower rate than sucrose, a 90% ratio still seemed very high to me.
Thus began the mysterious search to replace the agave syrup in all of their recipes. They couldn't in good conscience continue to use a sweetener that already had such a questionable history. They then quite literally scoured the globe in search of another low glycemic syrup. Nearly out of options, I came upon a product that was relatively unknown in the American marketplace. It's nsugar1ame sounded intriguing. Wow, what exactly was this new thing I found called "coconut sugar"? Here's what I learned.
Coconut sugar is made by collecting the "sap" from coconut tree blossoms. Who knew?! There are specific species of coconut trees that can be "tapped" (much like maple trees are tapped in the maple syrup making process). Bamboo containers are used to collect the sap of the coconut trees right at the blossoms. When the coconut trees are tapped, they produce a continuously flowing "inflorescence" (juice or sap) that exudes from the coconut blossoms. This naturally sweet sap is very low glycemic (GI of 35), raw and enzymatically alive, an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin C, broad-spectrum B vitamins, and has a nearly neutral pH. It is then minimally evaporated at low temperatures (only to remove excess moisture), never exceeding an average summer day in the tropics. The end result is a syrup-like product known as coconut "toddy", which is then further evaporated into crystal form to produce the coconut sugar.
A gigantic light bulb went off in my head! Who cares about the sugar end product ~ I want the toddy! If it is in syrup form, then who knows, maybe it will work as their long sought after replacement for agave. Numerous communications with companies in the Philippines ensued, and a short time later, alas, I held in my hands, coconut toddy...
I must admit that it wasn't an immediate love connection. The toddy they received initially was very dark and pungently sweet. They continued to work closely with their Philippine affiliates, and over time, discovered that the evaporation process could be adjusted to produce many variants of toddy from lighter to darker with equal variation in flavor. They landed on the exact perfect viscosity and flavor to their liking. But, the miracles weren't over yet! Through their affiliation with this Philippine company, they were offered the opportunity to bring the coconut toddy (which they now call "Nectar"), the coconut sugar (which they now sell as "Crystals"), and other sap-related ingredients to the American marketplace (the sap also prodleslie and randyuces an amazing vinegar and a soy-free seasoning sauce they call Coconut Aminos). It began to make sound business sense, to first introduce these coconut sap ingredients into health food stores, even prior to their snacks, which are now made with these wonderful low glycemic sweeteners. Their task is to first educate the American public about how nutritious and awesome tasting these products are, in order to pave the way for the uniqueness of their yummy snacks that are made with them.
Hence, with immense gratitude to the grand creation of life, you have just shared their serendipitous journey... It is continuing to evolve at this very moment, and they can't wait to see what happens next! They'll keep you posted...
Suggested Use
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Coconut Secret - Coconut Aminos Teryaki Sauce - 10 oz. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Ingredients: Organic Coconut Tree Sap, Sea Salt, Organic Ginger Powder, Organic Onion Powder, Organic Garlic Powder, Organic Cayenne Pepper. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Questions & Answers
2 Reviews
Needless to say, after a week or so I quit using. They need to be smoother and actually have the ability to dissolve.

It works!
Recommended by a friend
trying a new brand of zinc lozenge
Good for colds etc..