Dragon Herbs - Eucommia Bark Drops - 2 oz. (60mL)
Dragon Herbs Eucommia Bark Drops is a perfectly balanced vegetarian Yang and Yin tonic herb. Eucommia is the primary plant-sourced herb in Chinese herbalism used to tonify the Kidney Yang functions, in particular as it affects the skeletal structure. It was the second herb ever described in a Chinese herbal text, by Shennong nearly 2,500 years ago. Eucommia is primarily known as a powerful Yang Jing tonic. It strengthens Yang throughout the body, and has a profound supportive benefit to the skeletal structure. It is also a strong Yin Essence (Yin Jing) nourishing herb. Because it provides both Yin and Yang, it is a superb herb for men and women alike and can be used by almost anybody to help support the functions of the skeletal and endocrine systems, and to help support normal healthy sexual functions.
Eucommia’s first fame is in its Kidney tonifying effects. It is in fact the primary herb in Chinese tonic herbalism for building a strong, sturdy, flexible skeletal structure and to support normal growth. It is used to help strengthen the bones, ligaments, and tendons.
Eucommia is one of the few herbs in Chinese tonic herbalism that is sufficiently powerful, balanced, and broad spectrum that it may be used alone. However, it may be combined with any number of other tonic herbs in a formulation or tonic herbal program designed to support the Yin and Yang of the Kidney.
Eucommia is the quintessential example of a safe, mild and potent Kidney tonic that builds Jing.
- Eucommia is the quintessential example of a safe, mild & potent Kidney tonic that builds Jing.
- Traditionally, Eucommia is used for nourishing the Kidney & Liver; & strengthening healthy bones, ligaments, & muscles.
- Because it provides both Yin & Yang, it is superb for men & women alike & can be used by almost anybody to help support the functions of the skeletal & endocrine systems, & to help support normal healthy sexual functions.
- Eucommia is one of the few herbs in Chinese tonic herbalism that is sufficiently powerful, balanced, & broad spectrum that it may be used alone by anyone seeking well-being.
Dragon Herbs' complete line of Dragon Drops products are alcohol-and-water extracts of the highest quality tonic herbs in the world. These highly concentrated fluid extracts are sold in 2 ounce dropper bottles. Dragon Drops, which have all been developed by Ron Teeguarden, are extremely potent formulations utilizing herbs of unparalleled quality. Such extraordinary substances as Wild Manchurian ginseng (worth up to $5000 per oz.), Wild American ginseng ($240 per oz.), Deer Antler Tips, North and South Korean heaven-grade Ginseng, Wild Reishi, etc. are routinely used in these preparations. These are extracted with both water and alcohol to assure that all active substances are extracted from these rare and supremely potent herbs. No other herbal producer in the world utilizes these quality substances in such a broad-based line. Additionally, the Dragon Drops are much more highly concentrated than other brands, being "8:1" concentrates (eight pounds of herbs yield one gallon of extract), whereas most companies produce 1:1 or 2:1 extracts (much more diluted). The herbs are extracted in glass at low temperatures, and never touch metal. The high value of the herbs used, the rich concentration of the herbs, and the extraordinary technology used to produce these extracts, makes these products more effective than anything else available. One taste of any of Dragon Herbs' extracts, and you'll know the difference.
Traditional Function:
Nourishing the Kidney and Liver; helpful in strengthening healthy bones, ligaments and muscles.
Who can use it? Anyone
Concentration: 8:1
Remember Ron Teeguarden’s “First Rule of Tonic Herbalism,” summed up in a single word – Compliance. "If you don’t take the herbs, they won’t work.”
Radiant Health is Within Your Reach
Dragon Herbs is a provider of health promoting herbs and services, including education and educational materials. Dragon Herbs knows that radiant health is the result of good living and a healthy lifestyle. As a team, they are dedicated to aiding and guiding you on your path to radiant health, and to building a better world as a result. With their tonic bar, complimentary herbal consultations, and over 1000 herbal formulations made from the finest quality herbs in the world, Dragon Herbs are sure that they can be your principle wellness center, serving the many needs you may have in order to achieve radiant health.
The System
The 3 Levels of Healthcare
Traditionally in the Orient, there were three levels of healthcare.
The first level is palliative medical care. It emphasizes the use of various medical approaches to treat ailments after they have occurred. Herbs used for this approach are called inferior herbs.
The next level is prevention of specific disorders. The herbs used for this approach are called general herbs.
The highest level of health care stresses the promotion of positive health as the primary goal. When sufficiently nurtured, our body is fully capable of regulating its own multitude of independent yet united functions, the way nature intended. Science has not been able to, and will never be able to, match that power of Nature. The herbs used for this approach have traditionally been called the superior herbs, but today they are called the tonic herbs. The utilization of the tonic herbs in order to achieve radiant health is called Tonic Herbalism.
These three levels were first described in the original classic of Chinese herbalism, attributed to the legendary emperor Shennong approximately twenty-five hundred years ago. The following excerpt from Shennong’s Pharmacopeia of the Divine Farmer describes the highest level of herbs, the Superior Class (Tonic Herbs).
"The Superior Class of herbs consists of 120 herbs. They are the rulers. They control the maintenance of life and correspond to heaven. These herbs are not medicines so the taking of these herbs in larger amounts or over a long period of time is not harmful. If one wishes to take the material weight from the body, to supplement the energies and nutrients circulating in the body, and to prolong the years of life without aging, a person should base their efforts on the herbs of the Superior Class."
Dragon Herbs practices Tonic Herbalism, which is based on a 5000 year old system of health promotion, protection, and psychological transformation.
The tonic herbs are defined as “herbs that promote a long, healthy, vibrant, happy life, without side effects, even when taken over a long period of time.” Essentially, the tonic herbs are wonderful, healthful “super-foods” which benefit our well being in ways that more common foods cannot. They have a protective, balancing, vitalizing quality beyond that of any other herbs. They are generally consumed as a supplement to a well balanced healthy diet for the purpose of completing our nutritional needs and enhancing our nutritional profile.
These Superior Herbs are not considered to be "medicinal" in the usual sense of the word. They are not used to treat or even prevent specific diseases or disorders. The tonics are used to promote over-all well being, to enhance the body's energy, and to regulate the bodily and psychic functioning, to protect the body and mind so as to create what the Chinese call "radiant health."
Radiant Health
Radiant health is defined in China as "health beyond danger." Radiant health is dependent upon one's ability to adapt appropriately and effectively to all the stresses that one encounters in the course of one's life. Tonic herbs are said to provide “adaptive energy” which helps us handle stress much more easily. It is possible to develop a very high degree of adaptability to the many challenges we face and the changes that constantly take place in our lives. By overcoming stressful circumstances successfully, we grow as human beings and we enjoy life much more fully. The superior herbs are thus a primary source of true human empowerment. Tonic herbs are widely believed in the Far East to be transformational.
Only herbs that meet specific qualifications are ranked as tonic herbs. For an herb to be recognized as a superior (tonic) herb, that herb must have been found over many centuries of human use to meet six specific qualifications:
- A tonic (superior) herb must have anti-aging characteristics and must aid in the attainment of a long life.
- A tonic herb must have broad and profound health- promoting actions that result in a radiantly healthy life.
- A tonic herb must help balance our emotional and psychic energy so as to help improve one's state of spiritual and emotional well being and happiness.
- A tonic herb must have no negative side-effects when used reasonably, and therefore may be taken continuously over a long period of time if desired, yielding cumulative, long-term benefits. This emphasis on safety is in accordance with the first law of Chinese herbalism - "Do no harm."
- A tonic herb must taste good enough to be consumed easily and must be easily digestible and assimilable. Most of the herbs in the tonic category do taste good and, and in fact, any of these tonic herbs may be used in healthy cooking. Most are used commonly in a healthy Chinese diet. The tonic herbs are considered to be a major food group in the Asian diet.
- A tonic herb must contain at least one of the three treasures in such abundance that it can contribute to the building and maintenance of that treasure in one who consumes it. Some of the tonic herbs contain just one of the treasures, some contain two and some contain all three, in varying amounts and with varying power.
The great Chinese tonic herbs can make a very major contribution toward your ultimate well being. They can be consumed on a daily basis to fortify you for the adventure of life and to help you take full advantage of life’s richness.
Balancing and Replenishing the 3 Treasures
Life is made up of 3 primary energies: Jing, Qi and Shen.
A simple analogy by which one can understand the Three Treasures Paradigm is to think of life being like a candle. Jing is the candle. It is our reserve of life force and it determines how long we live and the power of our life. Qi is the flame. It is the energy of life, acquired through breathing and eating and manifested as our day-to-day vitality and our innate ability to defend ourselves and ward off pathogens. Shen is the light given off by the candle. It is our spirit, our state of psychological well being, our wisdom, and our spiritual experience and radiance.
All disease and suffering arise out of the imbalances of the 3 Treasures, Jing, Qi and Shen.
Treasure Rating
Tonic herbalism uses tonic herbs to help replenish and re-balance the Three Treasures. By regulating and nourishing our Three Treasures, we will have a macro-control over our health without micro- managing the complex bodily functions. We cannot possibly micro-manage them, so we should not. We can nurture our body, tonify our regulatory mechanisms, and develop true adaptability so that our body can manage itself.
Protect Yourself
The world is a dangerous place, and may be becoming more dangerous. A word to the wise: protect yourself. Tonic herbalism uses tonic herbs to help regulate and boost our protective functions. These functions include those of the psyche and the immune system. The immune system can be honed in such a way as to be highly reliable, even in the face of severe challenge. Many Qi tonics have profound immune enhancing qualities in humans. Tonic herbs are well known to help in the development of a strong, clear mind and sharp intuition.
The Herbs
What Are the Tonic Herbs?
The tonic herbs are the elite herbs of the Chinese herbal system, the most fully developed herbal system in the world. The Chinese tonic herbs have always held a very special place in Asian culture. These very special natural substances have been associated with the highest qualities of living, and thus are associated with the ideals of long life, slow aging, glowing health, happiness, wisdom, physical vitality, adaptability, sexual vigor and response, mental acuity and clear intuition, love and compassion, and harmonious relations with nature and with one's fellow human beings. The tonic herbs are not harsh and are not specifically medicinal in the conventional sense. Tonic herbs help to regulate our myriad functions so that we can re-establish and maintain our balance, our adaptability, our vigor and our youthfulness. By achieving these goals, one can be said to have attained true "radiant health.
Why Consume Tonic Herbs?
Tonic herbs are not medicinal. They nurture life, nurture the human spirit, slow down the aging process, and they protect us on every level - physically, immunologically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. What distinguishes Chinese tonic herbalism from other systems has been the attitude the Chinese and other Asian societies have taken toward health. Putting the emphasis on promoting health, they have created a body of knowledge concerning the health-promoting tonic herbs that no other society or system has matched. Other systems have generally emphasized the remedial over the preventive.
Tonic Herbs Are Transformative
Almost every person who uses the Chinese tonic herbs for any extended period of time will experience benefits. In some cases the benefits may be almost instantaneous and profound, while for others the influence may be subtle at first, with cumulative effects developing over time.
Indeed, one of the profound benefits of the Chinese tonic herbs abides in their ability to change "vicious cycles" into "benevolent cycles." The tonics help reverse the process of one problem leading to more problems. Something good happens when you start taking these herbs. You start to feel balanced and strong inside. You start having abundant energy when you need it and yet you feel relaxed and at peace. Incredibly, you become more and more adaptive so that you can do a lot of things that you couldn't do before. You find yourself taking on challenges you couldn't have handled before, doing things that you used to avoid or that you thought you were incapable of doing.
Where Do Tonic Herbs Come From?
Tonic herbs come from China. They also come from North and South America, Europe, Indonesia, Tibet, Bhutan, Africa, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Russia, and almost every region of the world. Tonic herbs are by their very nature safe and may be used for a lifetime to reinforce our health.
Ron Teeguarden
Who Is Ron Teeguarden?
Ron Teeguarden is the cofounder, with his wife Yanlin, and leader of Dragon herbs. He is widely recognized as one of the foremost herbalists in America. Ron has been a professional practitioner and teacher of the holistic Asian health arts since 1971. he has been a powerful translator of Eastern philosophy and health care techniques to ten's of thousands of Americans for nearly four decades. he is recognized as the premier spokesperson for Chinese tonic herbalism in America, having spent decades teaching the concept that it is better to promote our health and well being than to become sick and then have to take remedial measures.
Ron has written two major books on Chinese tonic herbalism. he specializes in the Chinese tonic herbs which have been used for centuries to promote longevity and radiant health. Ron has taken special interest in the adaptogenic herbs and in the art of Life Cultivation by which one can develop radiant health ("health beyond danger").
Ron frequently travels to some of the world's most exotic locations seeking the highest quality, most extraordinary anti-aging, immuniprotective, cardioprotective, life-enhancing, empowering herbs in the world. For the past two decades, he has spent extended time in many regions of China, Japan, Central Asia, the Himalayas, and Southeast Asia. These adventures result in the ever-growing repertoire of thousands of tonic herbal enthusiasts in this country. Ron has proven to have a knack for finding miraculous herbs. As a result of his research and exploration, Dragon herbs offers the largest and most extraordinary range of tonic formulations in the world. And Ron is incredibly dedicated to finding the best tonic herbs and superfoods available anywhere on earth. Dragon Herb customers can count on the fact that they are getting the best herbs and herbal products that nature and mankind can provide.
Ron has very close ties to a number of very senior phyto-pharmaceutical scientists throughout the world, and particularly in mainland China. They provide him with inside tips on where to find the most extraordinary herbs available. Ron is directly involved in the manufacture of hundreds of herbal formulations.
Ron could not do what he is doing without his wife and partner, Yanlin Teeguarden. She is the maestro who runs the operation, including the overseas procurement and production of the hundreds of formulas made by Dragon Herbs. She is also the person responsible for the beautiful look associated with the Dragon Herbs stores, literature, and packaging.
"More and more, you see people in Western cultures embracing what's actually very commonplace in the East," says Ron. "We don't compete with conventional Western medicine, we compliment it. It is our intention to provide the knowled
Suggested Use
3-12 droppers per day as desired or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Shake well before use.
Dragon Herbs - Eucommia Bark Drops - 2 oz. (60mL) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Ingredients: Water, alcohol (30% by volume) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Questions & Answers
2 Reviews
Needless to say, after a week or so I quit using. They need to be smoother and actually have the ability to dissolve.

It works!
Recommended by a friend
trying a new brand of zinc lozenge
Good for colds etc..