High Quality Pure Brewer's Yeast Flakes - 12.35 oz. Lesser Evil
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Lewis Labs - High Quality Pure Brewer's Yeast Flakes - 12.35 oz. (350g)
This premium yeast is a primary strain of saccharomyces cerevasiae. It is a vegan food made from dried, inactive yeast grown in Northern Europe on sugar beet molasses without any additives or preservatives. Sugar beets are known to absorb more nutrients from the soil than almost any other crop. it provides one of the richest natural sources of vitamins and trace elements.
Brewer's Yeast Benefits:
- Non-GMO
- Gluten-Free
- Vegan
- Kosher / Parve
- Not Blended or Fortified
- No Allergens
About Brewer's Yeast
After an extensive world-wide search, Lewis Laboratories has finally found a High Quality 100% Pure Yeast Flakes. We all know how nutrients in vegetables and fruits vary depending on the soil they're grown on. Take Idaho potatoes for instance - famous for being the best. Why is that? Because of the nutrients in the soil not found anywhere else. Lewis Labs famous yeast products were grown in Croatia where the soil is very rich in nutrients. Unfortunately the supplier is no longer growing yeast from their sugar beets - Lewis Labs searched the world for a replacement and have found the very best which reaches our high standards.
The percent per serving shown is for a recommended serving size of 25 grams (3 level tablespoons). If taken as directed, one can will last two weeks. If Lewis Labs' 100% Pure Premium Imported Brewer's Yeast Flakes is not part of your daily nutritional habit, it should be.
Golden Gravy Recipe
- 2 oz. Lewis Labs Brewer's Yeast Flakes
- 1 oz. whole grain flour
- 2 tablespoons oil
- 1/2 pint water
- 2-3 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Toast the Lewis Labs Brewer's Yeast Flakes and flour. Add the oil and whisk while it bubbles and turns golden brown. Add water, still stirring, until it thickens. Stir in soy sauce and pepper. Makes approximately 1/2 pint. Variation: Stir in sautéed onions or mushrooms.
Lewis Labs 100% Pure • Premium • Imported
Brewer's yeast is one of the most perfect foods known. Loaded with proteins, minerals and vitamins, it is amazing how much food value is packed into even a small amount. It provides the protein you want without the extra calories and cholesterol you don't. Since it is low in fat, carbohydrates, sodium and calories, it is especially useful for dieters, vegetarians, diabetics and hypoglycemics. In fact, it seems to have a bounty of nutritional goodness for just about everybody.
The microscopic plant, saccharomyces cerevisiae, commonly referred to as brewer's yeast, is nutritionally superior to all other types of yeast. It is one of the best natural sources of the entire B-Vitamin complex. It is a superb source of concentrated protein including all the essential amino acids. In fact, brewer's yeast contains about ten times as much protein as the same amount of whole-wheat flour.
It is extraordinarily rich in nucleic acid, which is a basic element in cell development and is believed to retard the aging process. It is also rich in Potassium and many other factors too numerous to mention here. All are in a most available form for immediate use by the body. With these nutritional credentials, why doesn't everybody already take brewer's yeast every day? The answer is, many people simply cannot take the awful taste.
Lewis Laboratories has discovered and imported a truly good tasting brewer's yeast. Not only does it taste good, but it has a higher protein content and richer nutritional content than any other natural, non-fortified brewer's yeast on the market. It is not 'doctored', nor blended. Absolutely nothing has been added to this 100% natural product.
Lewis Labs' supplier originally said it had no Chromium. They did their own testing and the Lab has found from 1 to 6 mcg in two samples - they are continuing to test as each batch arrives. At the time the label was done they went with 1% to be conservative because they had only 2 sample results and they varied. After they get more test results indications may be that they can raise it to as much as 10% (7 mcg/25mg).
Brewer's yeast is not related to Candida albicans fungus, which causes yeast infection.
Sickness, Health, & Nutrition
No one today doubts the connection between good nutrition and good health. Yet, because nutrition is such a new science, nutrition and preventative medicine are not taught in most American medical schools. Doctors are not trained in nutrition even though scientists know nutritional deficiencies are at the root of hundreds of different illnesses and that natural resistance to disease, resulting from balanced nutrition, is the best way to stay healthy. Our doctors are trained to treat sickness, not to prevent it. In ancient China, villagers paid their doctors a regular fee to keep them healthy. If they got sick, they stopped paying until they recovered. Wouldn't it be nice if our doctors had such an incentive plan?
Today, Staying Well is Not Good Enough!
In our society, many people suffer from mental depression or lack of energy and stamina. They are alive but not living. In many cases, these problems can be traced and corrected by improving the nutritional balance in the diet. Until recently, what has not been fully appreciated is the inter-relationship between nutritional factors.
This is a big word. It simply means that the effect of nutrients taken together is greater than when taken separately. Not one of the nutritional factors we need each day works alone - they all interact with each other. In many cases, a single nutrient cannot be used at all in the absence of another! Interaction is essential for the body to produce the estimated 10,000 compounds it makes which are required to keep one healthy, happy and active. They are convinced that the best nutritional supplement is the most complete one.
Unknown Nutritional Factors
As much as they have learned in the last few years about the science of nutrition, they believe they have only scratched the surface. There are many more mysteries in natural food than they have even yet suspected. That is why they have chosen the richest natural food sources in all their products. For example, one of the ingredients they use, wheat-germ oil, was tested on 894 subjects under controlled conditions and analyzed at the University of Illinois by Dr. Thomas K. Cureton, Ph.D. He concluded, "the results show statistically significant effects on several types of endurance performances, total body reaction times, basal metabolism and oxygen intake tests". They use wheat-germ oil primarily for its Vitamin E content, which is just one reason they prefer natural sources to chemical additives.
In theory, you could probably make the chemical equivalents of most of their products cheaper, and perhaps more easily, based on known nutritional factors. However, it would be a mistake to think they would be the same superior products. The natural ingredients we use are like an insurance policy against unforeseen health concerns. If you are buying fire insurance, you want insurance for any kind of fire, not just those that the experts regard as important.
The human body is a fantastic machine with incredible resilience. All you need to do is take a little care to be sure it gets the essential nutrients it cannot synthesize for itself. There is probably nothing more rewarding you can do for yourself than to make the effort to develop your own special program for better health with the superior, high quality supplements from Lewis Laboratories International, Ltd.
About Lewis Labs: Makers of High-Quality, Nutritionally Complete Dietary Supplements For 42 Years
Like many great products, Lewis Labs’ supplements were borne out of necessity. As a pharmaceutical executive, Myron Lewis traveled extensively overseas, along with Dr. Vernon Williams, head of research and product development for the same company. Every year they made several trips to Asia, Europe and South America, each time exposing their health to considerable stress and fatigue due to constant time-zone changes and jet lag.
As part of his work, Dr. Williams closely followed worldwide nutritional research. Together with Lewis, he began to wonder whether a nutritional supplement could be the answer to their problems. Months of research led to the formulation of what would become known as Staminex. Lewis recalls, “When we put this product together, we knew it would be exceptional. It was designed that way – strictly engineered nutrition.”
For several years, only family and friends were users of this "private" product. The results were so impressive they decided to make it available to the general public in 1973. In 1976, Lewis married Diana Franklin and together they began research into other nutritional products. They searched for the best raw materials and processed them with care. They also incorporated the unique synergistic qualities of nutrients – recognizing the effect of nutrients taken together is far greater than when taken separately. Lewis Labs became known for their complete nutritional supplements, each one unique and of superior quality.
Today, Lewis Labs continues the work of Myron Lewis with a continued focus on uncompromising attention to quality and detail that ensures success for the company and its customers well into the future.
Suggested Use
Can be refrigerated in original container. Take 3 level tablespoons daily. Ideal for sprinkling on salads, popcorn, soups, cereals, etc. May be consumed as is. To preserve valuable vitamins it is advisable not to heat to 220 degrees Fahrenheit.
Questions & Answers
2 Reviews
Needless to say, after a week or so I quit using. They need to be smoother and actually have the ability to dissolve.

It works!
Recommended by a friend
trying a new brand of zinc lozenge
Good for colds etc..