Liquid Ionic Magnesium 400 mg. - 2 fl. oz. Trace Minerals Research
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Trace Minerals Research Liquid Ionic Magnesium 400 mg. 2 oz. (59 ml)
Trace Minerals Research Liquid Ionic Magnesium is a rich, concentrated liquid dietary supplement that provides magnesium in ionic form - the form most widely recognized by the body. Trace Minerals Research's proprietary process ensures maximum absorption, while the balanced liquid form provides safety and flexibility. Magnesium is required for cellular energy production. It participates in over 300 biochemical pathways in the body, including cardiovascular function.
Ionic Single Minerals from Trace Minerals Research combines high quality single mineral ingredients and over 72 trace minerals and elements from ConcenTrace in a unique new proprietary process. This unique blend gives the body the type of minerals that it readily recognizes and absorbs fast because of its liquid Ionic state. Each bottle comes with a metered dropper which allows for variable dosing. Health care providers recommend different doses, depending on your needs. The metered dropper allows for these recommendations to be followed, where a normal tablet or capsule does not. Ionic Single Minerals come in a highly concentrated form that is all natural and Vegetarian approved.
- Aids in absorption of calcium
- Helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system
- Can help soothe and relax the nervous system
- Plus many more nutritional benefits!
- Vegan
Your Body Needs ConcenTrace
Your body is an intricate circuit board of electric charges and impulses. In order for it to stay balanced and perform at optimum efficiency, you need to constantly replenish yourself with the minerals and trace elements found in ConcenTrace. If you are one of the 90% of Americans experts estimate suffer mineral imbalance or deficiency, your body is lacking these essential elements, causing your body to misfire so you feel rundown and tired.
Power up with ConcenTrace from Trace Minerals Research. It’s highly concentrated and is the perfect solution for replenishing your body with the nutrients you need to maintain optimum health.
An All-Natural Solution of Living Minerals
As mentioned before, ConcenTrace is extracted directly from a natural source that took thousands of years to create. Over these thousands of years, the minerals in ConcenTrace have been broken down to their most natural state where they have become naturally charged, living minerals that are bioavailable and soluble in water. In addition, the solution is in precisely the same proportion as healthy human fluids without synthetically produced compounds or deadly heavy metals.
The ionic minerals in ConcenTrace also have the power to maintain and even improve the pH balance in your body. It’s important to keep your body’s acid base balance because an acidic body is a breeding ground for disease. ConcenTrace is so essential to human health that you’ll find it in every one of TMR's quality products. ConcenTrace is the perfect way to replenish your body with all the elements you need to plug in and recharge.
- Bone, Joint & Health–Taken as directed, many people have experienced dramatic results in improving and strengthening bones, joints and teeth, and eliminating unwanted calcium deposits.
- Re-Mineralize Distilled Water–1/4-1/2 teaspoon per gallon for fresh spring water taste.
- Electrolyte Replacement–Increased energy, vitality, and improved health by replacing and balancing soluble minerals in the body fluids. Soluble minerals are the electrolytes which conductthe body’s electrical energies.
- Maintain pH Balance in the Body–The most important nutrients in our bodies for maintaining acid-base balance are minerals like those found in ConcenTrace.
- Hair and Skin–Use internally to nourish from within, externally as a rub. (Very concentrated. Must be diluted. Keep out of eyes or areas of broken skin unless highly diluted.)
- Helps Normalize Bowel Functions–Cleansing.
- Calcium Assimilation–Reports show that calcium assimilates much better when taken with magnesium. ConcenTrace is high in magnesium.
- Circulatory Health–Minerals play important roles in decalcification, antioxidant and cleansing functions in the body. The heart requires magnesium with every beat. Potassium is used to contract the heart muscle.
- Vitamin Enhancement–Complete nutrition is more power nutrition. Vitamins without minerals DO NOT work. Trace minerals help assimilate vitamins.
- Gardens and Plants–A study done by Rutgers University and other studies done by the USDA noted the severe mineral imbalance and depletion in American soil. For years many avid gardeners have used ConcenTrace on their gardens as well as in the flower beds. It is also very beneficial to house plants when diluted with water. See the difference in your plants.
- Pets–Ever noticed your pet eating grass or dirt? More than likely your pet is lacking essential minerals. For years, pet owners have added ConcenTrace to their pet’s food and water.
- Athletic performance–There are many examples of improved athletic performance including improved cardiovascular performance to improved blood serum nutrients.
- Body Building–A study of a number of international body builders using ConcenTrace reported excellent results.
- Add to Carbonated Beverages–A recent study has shown that a few drops per glass balances soda pop to greatly reduce the potentially harmful effects of carbonation.
- Magnesium Supplement–One of the highest quality, least expensive, most assimilable magnesium supplements on the market.
- Cooking–Studies show mineral depletion in our soils. We frankly are not getting the minerals in the foods we eat. ConcenTrace remineralizes these foods and adds flavor.
Why you need ionic minerals:
Minerals, the Universe, and You
What are minerals anyway? Minerals are nothing more than elements—the very same elements that grace the periodic table inside a high school chemistry text book like chromium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and so on. They are the elements that comprise the entire universe, this earth, and everything on it, including you. Your body is truly a masterpiece formed from these same elements. As such, it is important to constantly replenish your body with the elements it expends on a daily basis.
Chemical and electrical processes are occurring within your body at every moment. These processes can only function correctly if the proper balance of minerals is continually being supplied to your system. Iron for your blood, sulfur for your muscles, calcium for your bones, and an aggregation of many other elements in balanced trace amounts help to ensure the proper function of your body.
What Are Ions?
An ion is a mineral or element that has a positive or negative charge. On the molecular level, that means the element has either too many or too few electrons. This unstable ionic state allows the element to bond readily with water, making it possible for the body to absorb it. In this state, an element has specific positive or negative electrical signatures that cause a dynamic equilibrium to take place. The body can then facilitate changes to move nutrients to the areas that need them.
What Are Trace Minerals?
You may collect silver coins, wear a platinum ring, or have a gold filling. You’ve likely sipped tea poured from a copper kettle, eaten a cookie from a fancy tin container, or traveled on an airplane made of titanium. But did you know that these elements and many others—in very small, balanced trace amounts—are critical to your health? Although trace minerals are no longer as plentiful in the foods you eat, they exist plentifully in their proper proportions in the mineral-rich waters of the earth’s oceans and seas.
The Stripping of Mother Earth
Traditionally, eating fresh grains, fruits, and vegetables grown in nutrient-rich soil has been the primary supply for a full spectrum of ionic minerals. Unfortunately in today’s world, naturally occurring, nutrient-rich soil is becoming increasingly rare. Eons of vegetation growth and aggressive modern farming techniques have brought many of the earth’s minerals to the surface where they have been washed away. Synthesized fertilizers are routinely applied to farms and fields where minerals have been depleted. But man-made fertilizers provide only enough mineral substance to support basic plant life. Numerous trace minerals essential to human life don’t get replenished.
Where Have All the Minerals Gone?
Many of the trace elements once abundant in soil have been washed into the oceans. In the oceans they are found in their proper proportions—the same basic proportions that are found in healthy human bodies.
In a few surviving inland seas such as the Great Salt Lake of western North America, these essential elements exist in highly concentrated, salubrious proportions. This healthy, intricately balanced proportion of minerals and trace elements found in sea water is beneficial to the human body. Today, these life-sustaining sea waters contain all of the minerals and elements necessary to support human life. Most importantly, these minerals and elements are ionic and in perfect balance—prime for being absorbed into the cells of your body.
The Importance of Ionic Minerals
Every second of every day your body relies on ionic minerals and trace minerals to conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses. Without these impulses, not a single muscle, including your heart, would be able to function. Your brain would not function and the cells would not be able to use osmosis to balance your water pressure and absorb nutrients. To ensure you are getting the ionic minerals and electrolytes your body needs, only choose ionic mineral supplements or supplements that contain ionic minerals. Experts estimate 90 percent of Americans suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency.
A New Plague: Mineral Imbalance
Because your body requires nearly two thirds of all the elements currently known to man in order to maintain health, keeping these minerals in balance is a complex, yet incredibly vital task. The events of everyday living demand a continual ingestion of minerals.
There are 92 known elements, 22 hypothesized others, and hundreds of isotopic variations. It’s no wonder that scientists are only now beginning to discover the effects and interrelationships of minerals in human systems, such as how minerals help maintain a healthy balance, and what adverse effects are created by a mineral imbalance. Experts estimate that 90 percent of Americans suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency. If you are one of them—whether because of frequent exercise, stress, or a diet of overly refined, nutrient-poor foods—your body will attempt to correct the situation in futility, usually resulting in food cravings, muscle cramps, and general fatigue.
The Key Role of Absorption
The absorption of minerals primarily takes place within the small intestines. As food matter passes through the intestines, minerals transfer into the blood stream through the walls of the intestines by way of the villi (see Figure 3). This can only happen if the minerals are in an ionic form. Although stomach acid helps ionize the minerals in foods, a mineral supplement should contain already naturally ionized minerals to be fully absorbed.
The Secret of Life in a Dead Inland Sea
Western North America’s Great Salt Lake is the world’s oldest inland sea. A remnant of the last great Ice Age, the Great Salt Lake in Utah has been collecting and concentrating the minerals and trace elements of the surrounding Rocky Mountains for tens of thousands of years. The result is nutrient rich waters which contain over 72 ionic minerals and trace elements that are eight to ten times more concentrated than regular seawater—in precisely the same proportion as healthy human fluids. It is from this source that Trace Minerals Research harvests the elements and trace minerals that go into every product.
What Can You Do?
You can start by making sure you’re getting enough minerals in your diet. Right? Eat organically grown fruits and vegetables, wholegrain breads and fortified cereals. In addition, take a multivitamin or mineral supplement. That’s a good start, but even those measures are likely to leave your body wanting for a full spectrum of properly proportioned, readily available ionic minerals and trace minerals.
That’s Where Trace Minerals Research Can Help
For over 35 years, Trace Minerals Research has been dedicated to combating the growing problem of mineral deficiency and imbalance in modern society. By harvesting the health-promoting ionic minerals found in the Great Salt Lake and making them available to the general public, they are committed to being the immutable source for the minerals necessary to maintain proper health.
Today, Trace Minerals Research offers over 100 different health promoting products that contain ConcenTrace, the premier ionic mineral mixture produced from the waters of the Great Salt Lake. Over the years, thousands of people who lacked essential trace elements in their diets have felt a difference in their health and well-being when replenishing these vital nutrients. Perhaps it’s time you did, too.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are ionically-charged minerals?
An ionic mineral is an element that has a charge, either positive or negative. On the molecular level, that means the element has either one too many or too few electrons. This unstable ionic state allows the element to bond readily with water, making it possible for the body to absorb it. In this form, an element has specific positive or negative electrical signatures.These signatures combine in a dynamic dance of positive and negative charges whose electric flow helps move nutrients into the body.
What are trace minerals?
You may collect silver coins, wear a platinum ring, or have a gold filling. You've likely sipped tea poured from a copper kettle, eaten a cookie from a fancy tin container, or traveled on an airplane made of titanium. But did you know that platinum, gold, copper and titanium (along with many others) are critical to your health? Although only minute amounts of these “trace minerals” are needed, the body cannot function properly without them. Yet they are no longer as common in the foods you eat. Luckily, you can find them in their proper proportions in mineral-rich seas.
Where have all the minerals gone?
Traditionally, eating fresh grains, fruits, and vegetables grown in nutrient-rich soil provided an adequate supply of the full spectrum of ionically-charged minerals. Unfortunately today, naturally-occurring, nutrient-rich soil is not what most food is grown in. Vegetation growth and aggressive modern farming techniques have brought many of the earth's minerals to the surface where they have been washed away.
Synthesized fertilizers are routinely applied to farms and fields where minerals have been depleted. But man-made fertilizers provide only enough mineral substance to support basic plant life. Numerous trace minerals so essential to human life are never replenished.
Why is absorption so important?
You cannot benefit from minerals unless your body can absorb them. The absorption of minerals mostly takes place within the small intestines.As food matter passes through the intestines, minerals transfer into the blood stream through the walls of the intestines. However, this transfer only occurs if the minerals are ionically-charged. Although stomach acid helps ionize dry minerals, a mineral supplement must contain naturally-ionized liquid minerals to be fully absorbed.
Why ionic minerals?
Minerals that are absorbed in their ionic form are in a liquid solution and have either a positive or negative charge. These charges form your body’s communications hub, conducting electrical signals that move nutrients throughout the body, keep the body in balance, and help the muscles function.In fact, without these impulses, not a single muscle (including your heart)would be able to function, your brain function would cease and your cells would not be able to use osmosis to balance water pressure and absorb nutrients.*In recent research, minerals have been shown to play a significant role in averting a variety of degenerative diseases and processes.* They may also prevent and reduce injury from environmental pollutants, help protect the body against the effects of toxic minerals and enhance the body’s ability to work and learn.
About Trace Minerals Research: The brand you trust
Trace Minerals Research is the ionic mineral supplement brand you’ve known and trusted for over 35 years. Until 1999, TMR had only a handful of products. But in that same year, three visionary TMR sales representatives saw the monumental growth potential these and future products had. Combining their resources, the reps purchased TMR and began strategically launching and marketing an ever-growing line of products.
Today, TMR offers improved delivery systems, bulk minerals, private label ingredients and a strong international presence. Company sales have increased by over 500 percent, and more than 50 products have been added to the product line. Due to this rapid growth, TMR has more than doubled the size of its facility and the number of its employees—all while retaining the product quality and corporate integrity that enabled the growth.
Suggested Use
Using the metered dropper, take 1.25 mL (1/4 tsp.) daily with juice or food to mask the concentrated mineral flavor.
Trace Minerals Research Liquid Ionic Magnesium 2 oz. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Ingredients: ConcenTrace. Also contains over 72 ionic trace minerals as found in the Great Salt Lake. Certified vegan. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Questions & Answers
2 Reviews
Needless to say, after a week or so I quit using. They need to be smoother and actually have the ability to dissolve.

It works!
Recommended by a friend
trying a new brand of zinc lozenge
Good for colds etc..