Nutiva Organic Hemp Seed Oil is Nutiva's raw, unrefined, expeller cold-pressed Canadian Hemp Seed Oil and is light green in color, lighter in flavor, and has more GLA content compared to other hemp oils! Nutiva press and bottle their hemp seed oil in small batches. The bottles are nitrogen flushed and they add an induction foil seal covering the bottle opening, which prevents oxyen from seeping into the oil. Not that other hemp firms cut corners and skip the induction seal. Their customers regularly tell them that Nutiva's hemp oil tastes fresher and lighter than other hemp brands!
- Delicious nutty flavor
- Rich source of Omega-3 and Vitamin E
- Cold-pressed
- No Hexane
Hemp Seed 101
Hemp was Nutiva's founding product. In fact, the name "Nutiva" was inspired by the "nut" from the Cannabis sativa plant. Their line of nutritious hemp foods has grown to include Hemp Seed, Hemp Protein, HempShake, Hemp Bars and Hemp Seed Oil. Hemp is easily grown without pesticides or herbicides, and besides its tasty nut it yields a strong fiber used for cloth, paper, construction, plastics and auto parts, and countless other ways. The hemp plant has been in cultivation for thousands of years throughout Asia and the Middle East before finally making its way across Europe and to the Americas.
It is an extremely versatile and hardy plant, with many uses including fibers and plastic, and being known as one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Traditional Chinese Medicine has been using the hemp seed for more than 2000 years as a healing and tonifying food in treating a number of ailments. Hemp is protein rich, gluten-free food loaded with protein, Omega-fatty acids and fiber. No known allergies exist to hemp foods.
Hemp Nutrition
Nutiva's Hemp seeds, oil and protein are all derived from the nutritious seed of the versatile, historic hemp plant, which has been revered for thousands of years for a variety of health improving benefits. The hemp seed is the richest known source of polyunsaturated fats, containing a perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 linolenic Acid and Omega-3 linolenic acid. In fact, the hemp seed balance of Omega 3 to 6 fats is the perfect proportions for human dietary needs, making hemp an ideal addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
The Omega fats, or "essential" fats in hemp seeds are crucial to human health and they are called essential because they can only be obtained through our diet. Without essential fats, the body is at an increased risk of developing deficiencies that can cause slow wound healing, hair loss, skin conditions, and a greater risk of infection from the common cold and flu. Imbalance of Omega fatty acids, including too many Omega-6's, common in trans fats containing foods like fast food, animal products and processed junk food can lead to diseases including heart disease, hypertension, stroke, arthritis and diabetes.
The hemp seed is one of the best sources of nutritious plant protein. Hemp is also loaded with all 20 amino acids (including the 9 essential). Plant protein, such as hemp, is vital for vegans and vegetarians, and is also preferred by many world class athletes for its dense nutrition. The protein found in hemp hearts is very digestible, with no known allergies, which makes it an excellent choice for sensitive diets. Hemp also contains phytonutrients, which may boost immunity, purify the skin, and strengthen connective tissue. Hemp seeds may help with the reduction of cholesterol and blood pressure, reduce inflammation, increase healing time, improve circulation, and boost overall immune function and performance.
Nutiva Questions & Answers
Are Nutiva's hemp products raw?
Yes, Nutiva's hemp products are cold-processed (under 104°F) from raw, live hemp seeds. Nutiva utilizes a mechanical process to remove the hard shells, yielding their delicious shelled hemp seeds. Their hemp oil is expeller-pressed from the seeds without the use of hexane or other toxic solvents. Their hemp protein powder is made from specially milled hemp seed cake with the oil removed.
Are Nutiva seed bars raw?
No, they are not technically raw because the honey in Nutiva's bars is heated to around 200°F, so they are not considered to be raw.
Why is Nutiva's commitment to Fresh is Best important?
Everyone knows fresh foods and oils taste better and are more nutritious. Nutiva is committed to offering the freshest products available. They guarantee this by utilizing the optimal manufacturing and storage methods for each product. They also mark the production and "Best Before" dates on all their products.
How should I store my hemp seed, hemp oil and hemp protein powder?
It is best to keep hemp products refrigerated or in the freezer and to use them within 8-12 weeks of opening. You can also store unopened hempseed products in a cool dry place such as a basement.
Are hemp foods legal to import, buy, and consume in the United States?
Yes. The case HIA v. DEA established that hemp foods are exempt from control in the Controlled Substances Act.
If I recently consumed hemp foods, could I fail a drug test?
If the only source of the psychoactive THC in your body is from hemp foods, produced from Canadian grown hemp seeds and eaten in reasonable quantities, it is virtually impossible to fail a drug test by ingesting hemp foods due to the fact that THC levels in their products are barely measurable.
What is the difference between hemp and marijuana?
Marijuana and hemp both come from the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa L., but from different varieties. There are different varieties of Cannabis, just as Chihuahuas and St. Bernards are different breeds of dogs, Canis familiari. Marijuana is the flowering tops and leaves of psychoactive varieties of Cannabis that are grown for their high THC content.Hemp, also referred to as industrial hemp, are low-THC varieties of Cannabis that are grown for their seeds and fiber. Hemp is grown legally in just about every industrialized country except the USA.
What is the recommended daily intake of hemp seeds?
Health practitioners suggest three to five tablespoons of shelled hempseed per day.
What is the difference between hemp hearts and hemp seeds?
Nothing! Hemp hearts are the same shelled, nutritious, organic, raw food as shelled hemp seeds. Some people refer to them as hemp hearts and some refer to them as shelled hemp seeds, where the hard outer shell of the seed has been removed. Whatever you call them, they are tasty and nutritious!
What is the recommended daily intake of hemp oil?
Health practicioners suggest one or two tablespoons of hemp oil per day.
Why is hemp so nutritious?
Hemp oil contains the most essential fatty acids (EFAs) of any nut or seed oil, with the omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs occurring in the nutritionally optimal 1:3 ratio.
Why are essential fatty acids (EFAs) important?
Essential fatty acids cannot be produced by the human body; they must be obtained from your diet. As the name implies, they are essential to your health and well being. Seventy percent of adults who eat a typical Western diet do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids, and at the same time, they get too much omega-6 fatty acids. This imbalance can cause a wide range of health problems.
What are the benefits of hemp vs. flax?
Shelled hempseed is more easily digested than ground flax seed, while whole flax seed passes through your body undigested. Hemp seed and hemp oil also contain higher-potency omega derivatives, GLA and SDA, which flax seed lacks.
About Nutiva
Nutiva is an innovative leader in the health food industry. Since 1999 they have operated as a values-driven company dedicated to nourishing people and planet. They're building a business characterized by high standards in all aspects of their company, from the organic farms that grow their foods, through the production, packaging, and transportation of their products, to the Nutiva associates who communicate with their retailers and the people who enjoy their products.
Their watchwords-nutritious superfoods, healthier people, and a sustainable planet-express their commitment to move beyond conventional food industry practices to embrace a bigger picture that supports the long-term well-being of humanity as a whole. Nutiva's purpose is to produce the highest quality organic superfoods, providing superior nutritional value to their customers while supporting sustainable agricultural practices and a fair return to the farmers on whom they depend. They donate 1 percent of their sales to groups that promote sustainable agriculture.
They educate people worldwide on current developments in nutritional science, organic farming, green energy, and fair trade practices within the global economy. At Nutiva they continually innovate so that they can better contribute to the health and happiness of their customers as well as the sustainability of their planet.
Suggested Use
Use in any of your favorite recipes!
Nutiva - Organic Hemp Seed Oil - 1 Gallon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Ingredients: 100% Raw Organic Hemp Oil | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Questions & Answers
2 Reviews
Needless to say, after a week or so I quit using. They need to be smoother and actually have the ability to dissolve.

It works!
Recommended by a friend
trying a new brand of zinc lozenge
Good for colds etc..