Potent Probiotics with Organic Yacon Root Prebiotics - 30 Chewable Tablets Sunbiotics
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Sunbiotics - Potent Probiotics with Organic Yacon Root Prebiotics - 30 Chewable Tablets
Sunbiotics Potent Probiotics with Organic Yacon Root Prebiotics are good for you. Sunbiotics Daily Chewables is a potent probiotic supplement enhanced with Organic Yacon Root - a superfood renowned for its prebiotic properties.
- Prebiotics are responsible for naturally stimulating the growth and activity of friendly bacteria.
- Yacon is an organically grown root found in Peru. It is high in fructooligosaccharides (FOS), a major source of these naturally occurring prebiotics.
- Sunbiotics uses a synergistic blend of 4 of the most researched strains of friendly bacteria which aid in digestion.
The simple translation of probiotic is "for life". At 18 billion CFUs per serving, Sunbiotics may help restore a proper balance of flora in the digestive tract depleted by stress, antibiotics, and gastrointestinal disturbances.
There is no argument, the body is an amazing and intelligent operating machine. Though modern science and technology has been able to analyze, break down and understand much of what goes on within our tissues and cells, there is still a lot left to mystery. For instance there are elements of how our bodies heal and regenerate that are still very much unexplained by modern science and medical understanding. How can one person completely heal themselves of an “incurable” disease while another with a seemingly equal opportunity to heal may succumb to the illness?
Organic Probiotics for Life
Part of why people don’t fully understand exactly how our own bodies work is because what we consider a function of our bodies may actually be a function of the billions upon billions of bacteria that are living within us and on the surface of our skin. Did you know there are roughly 500 different species and 100 trillion total microorganisms that inhabit a normal healthy colon? And that is just one area of our digestive systems. If we look at a cross section of our skin under a microscope for instance we would quite clearly see that humans are absolutely crawling with life forms. A bit freaky? Yes, perhaps. But not all bacteria and “critters” are created equal and this is an extremely important aspect of life within this body. It is fascinating to learn that humans actually contain 10 times more bacteria cells than actual human ones! Many of these microorganisms are what can be referred to as microflora, and are actually helping us a great deal. In fact, without these little microscopic friends life within this great machine we call a body could not exist. Yes, it is a strange system we’ve had set up for us but one that has proven itself to work rather well throughout the test of time.
Throughout time many medical researchers proclaimed that these massive colonies of bacteria, such as lactobacillus bulgaricus, lactobacillus casei, streptococcus, and bifidobacterium which are 4 of the primary ones found in our intestines, did very little of anything for us. They didn’t necessarily harm us in any way but they also didn’t do anything helpful or health promoting. Another common belief was that we should try and limit the amount of bacteria we come in contact with for fear of getting sick, and that is was perfectly safe to use antibiotic substances on the regular to cure infections. Times have changed and while the main stream medical world has a long way to come in regards to truly understanding our relationship with the creatures living within and on our bodies, we have come a long way. People are realizing that while antibiotics most definitely have their place and can potentially save lives, they should be used with caution, respect, and thoughtfulness. There are way more guests attending this party than the pathogens that are ruining everyone's fun. Antibiotics wipe everything out including our friendly flora. While it is possible to rebuild our healthy bacteria levels it can often become a process that takes a great deal of time and care. We are first indoctrinated with bacteria as babies during labor from our mother’s body, and then consume a wide variety of flora, predominantly bifidobacterium, through breast milk. From that point on we come in contact with many forms of bacteria through the air we breathe, foods with eat, from our water and from objects we touch. We are also exposed to substances, chemicals and influences that shift our microbiological balance. Processed sugars and foods, pesticides, flouride and chlorine in our water, environmental pollutants, toxic body care products, pharmaceutical medications, and even an imbalance in chemicals that our own bodies produce such as adrenalin and cortisol can cause an imbalance within our microflora.
All this being said, what is it that these trillions of healthy bacteria are really doing for us aside from keeping the pathogens in check? Where does one even begin. They play a major role in everything from nutrient manufacturing and absorption to actually regulating our intestine’s lymphatic tissue for a healthy and robust immune system. In fact, 83% of our immunity resides in the wall of our digestive system. Bacteria in our digestive systems also vastly aid our absorption of calories and nutrients to the point where without them we would become severely malnourished. These probiotics actually break down our nutrients and then carry them through our intestinal barrier where they can then be absorbed into our bloodstream. Not only that but the probiotics themselves are actually producing vitamins that we then absorb such as vitamin K, biotin, folic acid and the very critical vitamin B 12. It is a little known fact that vitamin B 12 is actually a nutrient manufactured by bacteria living within our own bodies. One particular strain of bacterium, lactobacillus, deserve a special shout out, as they play a huge role in our human experience.
They live within our bodies and also on the surface of our skin. One huge role which they play is to maintain an acid environment on areas which need a lower pH in order to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, such as on our surface tissues. This is the case with the surface of our skin which requires a pH of 3.5-4.5 in order to maintain it’s first line of defense by means of an “acid mantle”. Lactobacillus taken internally through cultured foods or through supplements can also aid in digestive issues and help re-establish balance if there has been food poisoning or symptoms of a yeast infection.
It is quite clear that the goal is definitely not to create a sterile or “squeaky clean” environment when it comes to our bodies. Rather it is about having an abundant volume of healthy microflora which is needed to achieve and maintain optimal levels of health. Luckily for us these days there are so many delicious options for introducing probiotics into our system. A great suggestion would be to start experimenting with making your own cultured foods at home, this way you can be sure of the ingredients ad process. For instance, it is super easy to make your own live, vegan yogurt by simply taking coconut meat or soaked nuts and seeds and blending into a thick cream consistency with a little purified water. Then add some probiotic powder, and let sit in a glass jar to culture. This is just one example. Another option would be to make your own cultured vegetables, or even kefir. If creating your own recipes isn’t feasible there are many products these days sold in health foods all over who are making incredible, raw, organic fermented and cultured foods. The key is getting variety and using these foods, or taking a high quality supplement, on a regular basis.
About Sunbiotics
Sunbiotics Gourmet Probiotic Snacks are their delicious take on combining healthy snacks and probiotics. The benefits of probiotics are well documented and constantly researched, so adding snacks to the mix was the natural next move. They take the finest raw, organic almonds and put them through a special process which involves sprouting/germinating (enhance enzymatic activity) and then low temperature drying (preserves raw state + adds crispiness). They then coat them with probiotics, an amount equivalent to 8 billion CFU per packet.
They couldn’t just leave it at plain supercharged almonds – they wanted to explore the possibilities of flavors. They currently offer 4 delicious flavors, each better than the other. Cheesy, Truffle Salted, Chocolate, and Original are all made with simple and high quality ingredients. All this makes for a yummy, probiotic enhanced, and most importantly raw, vegan, and organic treat. Sunbiotics are ideal for grab-and-go, incorporated with other dishes, all ages, and best of all – supplies a generous amount of your daily need for probiotics. Nutrition + Ingredients + Probiotics = Sunbiotics
Suggested Use
Chew or Swallow one tablet, each day with or without food.
Sunbiotics - Potent Probiotics with Organic Yacon Root | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prebiotics - 30 Chewable Tablets | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Ingredients: Organic Cocount Sugar, Organic Vanilla flavor, Silica. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Questions & Answers
2 Reviews
Needless to say, after a week or so I quit using. They need to be smoother and actually have the ability to dissolve.

It works!
Recommended by a friend
trying a new brand of zinc lozenge
Good for colds etc..