Bach - Rescue Pearls - 28 Capsules
We all face stress — work, family, social obligations. And we all have activities — like running, yoga, and reading — that help us unwind and release that stress. We can work towards a healthy mind and body after work and on weekends, but what can we do when we can’t get away? When stress begins to take hold just before an important meeting, when running late and stuck in traffic, or preparing for a job interview? Reach for Rescue Pearls.
Each fast-dissolving Pearl releases one dose of Rescue Remedy, the original natural stress reliever developed by a doctor more than 80 years ago. Rescue Pearls will help you stress less, stay calm and in control by providing convenient, gentle, non-habit forming relief from everyday stressful situations.
Designed to help you cope with stress and face the challenges of your day head on, these capsules are gentle enough to take anytime, anywhere — and make an easy companion for the daily run around.
The formula, trusted for more than 80 years, combines Rock Rose, impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, and Cherry Plum. Natural, and gentle, each remedy was chosen for its positive potentials, working gently with your body.
Bach Original Flower Remedies Rescue Pearls are small capsules that you place on your tongue and let it melt when you need the stress relief that Rescue Remedy provides. Bach Original Flower Remedies Rescue Pearls fast-dissolving capsules quickly releases 4 drops of Rescue Remedy to help you enjoy a stress free day!
Bach Original Flower Remedies Rescue Pearls contains:
- Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock
- Clematis: For the tendency to "pass out", and unconsciousness, being far away and not present mentally
- Cherry Plum: Fear of mind giving way, verge of breakdown, anger.
- Inpatients: For irritability, tension and fidgety
- Rock Rose: For frozen terror and panic.
Cure Negative Emotions with Bach Flower Remedies
The Bach Flower Remedies is a system of 38 Flower Remedies discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in England more than 80 years ago. The Bach Flower Remedies remove negative emotions by flooding them with the positive energies from flowers. In combination the 38 Bach Flower Remedies can restore happiness and joy in humans and animals.
Below is a list of some negative emotions that Bach Flower Remedies could possibly alleviate:
- Depression
- Stress
- Fear & Anxiety
- Self Concern
- Interfering with Other People
- Panic Attacks
- Jet Lag
- Stuttering
- Separation Anxiety
- Emotional Eating
- Anger or Resentment
Bach Flower Remedies Questions & Answers
Who was Dr. Edward Bach?
Dr. Edward Bach was a British physician, who began to see disease as an end product; a final stage; a physical manifestation of unhappiness, fear and worry. He therefore, began to look to nature to find healing flowers. Over a period of years Dr. Bach found 38 healing flowers and plants that with the right preparation became the 38 Bach Flower Remedies. These Remedies are enough to remove all negative emotional problems.
How do the Remedies work?
The Bach Flower Remedies is a safe and natural method of healing. They gently restore the balanced between mind and body by casting out negative emotions, such as, fear, worry, hatred, and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself.
How are the Bach Flower Remedies made?
The Bach Flower Remedies are made 100% naturally from spring water infused with wild flowers, either by the sun-steeped method or by boiling. The Remedies are have produced exclusively in England. The Remedies contain 27% grape based brandy as a preservative. Or the alcohol free versions are preserved in glycerin made from sunflowers.
What is Rescue Remedy & Rescue Remedy Cream?
Dr. Bach created an emergency combination of Remedies which he call Rescue Remedy. It contains five different Remedies: Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Rock Rose. Rescue Remedy is worth carrying with you in case of emergencies or everyday stress. Rescue Remedy helps you go through difficult situations, stressful events, and an exam or job interview in a calm and relaxed matter.
Rescue Remedy Cream, contains the same five Remedies as Rescue Remedy with added Crab Apple. The cream is external applications such as bruises, diaper rash, sprains, burns, stings, scratches and other skin conditions. On occasions when you are stressed and your mind is over-active, take a dose or two of Rescue Remedy in the evening before going to sleep.
Can I take Bach Flower Remedies during pregnancy?
Yes, Bach Flower Remedies are extremely helpful during pregnancy, when the expecting mother goes through a wide range of emotions. The Bach Flower Remedies restore peace of mind when the mother feels fearful, tired, overwhelmed and impatient and other emotions related to pregnancy. Rescue Remedy and Walnut are very useful during labor. However, all medication taken during pregnancy should be at a doctor's discretion!
Can Children take Bach Flower Remedies?
Yes, children respond very well to the Bach Flower Remedies. The Bach Flower Remedies are extremely helpful for all childhood emotions, such as, shyness, tantrums, fear, nightmares and low self-esteem. The Bach Flower Remedies help children reach a balance within them self, so that they can learn from life's ups and downs.
Can I give Bach Flower Remedies to my pets?
Pets also have emotions and the Bach Flower Remedies are very helpful to aid pets overcome difficult times. The Bach Flower Remedies have been very successful in calming hyperactive dogs, fearful cats, trips to the vet, moving, fear of thunder, newly arrived puppies and many other pet emotions.
What happens if I take too much of the Remedies?
It is impossible to overdose with the Bach Flower Remedies; they are 100% natural and safe. You can drink a whole bottle of Remedies and not "overdose". However, if you think that "more is better" you are wrong. The Bach Flower Remedies work best over a period of time, taken from the treatment or stock bottle at least 4 times a day.
What happens if I take the wrong Remedy?
Nothing is going to happen if you take the wrong Remedies. The Remedy only work on the energy level that we are having problems with. For example, if you have a "known fear" (MIMULUS) and take ASPEN "unknown fear", nothing is going to happen. Your "known fear" will stay and ASPEN wouldn't do anything to you. When you take the wrong remedy nothing happens.
Why are the Essences sometimes called Remedies?
In the US they are called Essences, and in England they are called Remedies. Books written in England refer to them as remedies.
What are the differences between Essential Oils and the Bach Flower Remedies?
Essential Oil: As the name says it is oils from different plants and flowers. They smell very strongly, some of them should be avoided for people with different illnesses, pregnancy, in the sun etc. The Essential Oils comes from the whole world, however, the quality can easily be very different because some farmers cheat and mix in cheap oils.
The original Bach Flower Remedies: They do not smell and they can never do any harm to anyone at anytime; they are made by infusion of wild plants & flowers from a certain area in England.
The Bach Flower Remedies are considered homeopathic. The Bach Flower Remedies are produces at one location after old directions from Dr. Edward Bach who died in 1936. Dr. Bach was VERY specific with the directions on how & when to make the Essences. He told just before he died that many people will try to imitate and copy the Remedies and his assistances had to promise NEVER to alter the 38 Remedies, because he knew that there would be no more need for more than the 38 and the directions that he had given were the best possible.
Are the Bach Flower Remedies Gluten Free?
Yes, the original Bach Flower Remedies preserved in Brandy or Glycerin are gluten free. The Brandy is made from grapes and the glycerin is made from Sunflowers.
Sometimes I see Bach Flower Remedies but the bottles are different, why?
The images you see on their website are of the original Bach Flower Remedies made in England at the Bach Centre. The name "Bach Flower Remedies" is not trademarked and anyone can make their own Bach Flower Remedies, they can not say if they work or not. But they are only selling and promoting the original Bach Flower Remedies with Dr. Bach's signature on each bottle that people all over the world have come to trust and rely on to ease their emotional imbalances.
Can the Bach Flower Remedies help me when I can't sleep?
On occasions when you are stressed and your mind is over-active, take a dose or two of Rescue Remedy and White Chestnut in the evening before going to sleep.
Is it safe to give animals the regular rescue remedy (for people)?
Yes, the original Rescue Remedy can be used on animals, however if you have a smaller animal, such as birds, rodents or reptiles you may want to use the alcohol free pet version just to be on the safe side.
In what temperature should the bottles be stored?
The Bach Flower Remedies can be stored in room temperature.
What kind of alcohol is used as a preservative?
The alcohol used to preserve the Bach Flower Remedies and Rescue Remedy is made from grapes and therefore gluten free.
Does the Bach Flower remedies expire?
All bottles are labeled with an expiration date, however, at the Bach Centre in England they still have some of Dr. Bach's original remedies and they are supposed to work fine after more than 80 years.
Can you overdose or build tolerance to rescue remedy and the bach flower remedies?
You can't overdose with regular use, however do consider the alcohol content if you plan on drinking several bottles. If you don't feel any effect after taking the remedies after a few days you may want to red about the remedy again to make sure you selected the correct remedy.
Do the flower remedies come in an alcohol free version?
Yes, both Rescue Remedy and the individual remedies comes in an alcohol free version.
About Bach Flower Remedies
The original Bach Flower Remedies is a safe and natural method of healing discovered by Dr. Bach in the 1920s in England. They gently restore the balanced between mind and body by casting out negative emotions, such as fear, worry, hatred, and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself. The Bach Flower Remedies are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family including pets.
Suggested Use
Adults and children over 12, place 1 capsule on tongue and let dissolve. Additional capsules may be taken as needed.
Questions & Answers
2 Reviews
Needless to say, after a week or so I quit using. They need to be smoother and actually have the ability to dissolve.

It works!
Recommended by a friend
trying a new brand of zinc lozenge
Good for colds etc..