Bach - Rescue Remedy Spray Natural Stress Relief - 20 ml.
The Rescue Remedy formula, in its iconic little yellow bottle, is the same today as when it was first developed by Dr. Edward more than 80 years ago. Convenient and discreet, Rescue Remedy is a daily essential for those moments when you are juggling work deadlines, soccer practice and the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Rescue Remedy helps you stay calm, cool and in control.
Developed by a doctor more than 80 years ago, homeopathic Rescue Remedy was formulated to help you stress less, stay calm and in control.A blend of five Original Flower Remedies, the original Rescue Remedy in the iconic little yellow bottle has provided gentle, non-habit forming stress relief to millions around the world for generations.
Dr. developed his original blend of flower remedies — Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, and Cherry Plum — to help you regain control when life leaves you a little frazzled. Manufactured with only the highest quality ingredients, all five flower remedies found in Rescue Remedy are still produced at Dr. 's original gardens and carry his personal signature.
Everyone experiences stress from time to time; support your wellbeing and harness the positive potential of Rescue Remedy by simply adding 4 drops to a drink of your choice or put 4 drops on your tongue as often as required.
- All-natural
- Non-aerosol pump
- Vegan and gluten-free
- Homeopathic and non-habit performing
- For relief of occasional stress
About Bach Flower Remedies
Dr Edward Bach was a Physician and Homeopath who spent his life searching for the purest methods of healing. Dr Bach discovered 38 remedies which he split into seven different groups and can be combined to suit the individual. The flower remedies are made from wild plants, trees and bushes. They work by treating the individual rather than the disease or its symptoms and are a gentle way to manage your emotions and rediscover the positive side of ourselves.
Each of the 38 Bach Original Flower Remedies is unique and helps to treat a different emotion. Most people find it reasonably easy to select their own remedies. All you need to do is find the remedy (or remedies) that seems to reflect your situation, mood or personality the best. You can mix up to seven together at a time. All the states described are everyday human emotions that we all feel from time to time. Even the most negative state has a corresponding positive quality that shows us what we can be when we are fully ourselves.
Who Can Take Bach Flower Remedies?
Everyone. Being yourself means being relaxed, fulfilled and natural. When we feel ourselves we are at our best. We can cope with everything that life throws at us.But sometimes… well sometimes we aren’t quite ourselves. We feel out of sort, as if something isn’t right. And sometimes we need a little help to get back on track. You can use the Bach Original Flower Remedies to overcome everyday bad feelings. You can use them when you are ill, because most doctors agree that good emotional health supports and aids the recovery of physical health. You can use them to move on in your life and to find hidden strengths and potentials. Above all, you can use them to be yourself. Bach Original Flower Remedies are suitable for the whole family. Bach Original Flower Remedies helps us to manage the ups and downs of everyday life. For clinical, emotional problems you should always seek professional help.
Did you know?
Every single bottle of Bach Original Flower Remedies around the world originates from the UK, so you can be assured that it has been made according to Dr Bach's guidelines. Just look for the Bach signature.
Why is there alcohol in Bach Original Flower Remedies?
Dr Bach used alcohol in his preparations, usually brandy, for its preservative properties. It is there to guard against microbial contamination which could otherwise grow in the water-based remedies. The alcohol is not an active ingredient. In the early days when chemists were supplied with mother tinctures to prepare the stock remedies, they used either rectified spirit or pure alcohol. Nora Weeks explained: 'In preparing the stock bottles, including the Rescue Remedy, at Mount Vernon, we use brandy instead of rectified spirit added by the chemists. The brandy, like the rectified spirit, is used only as a preservative and makes no difference whatever to the strength or efficiency of the remedy.'
How quickly will the remedies start to make a difference?
For some people it can be immediately, for others it might take a little longer depending on the issues being treated. Each case is unique.
Can the remedies only be added to water?
You can add the remedies to tea, coffee, fizzy drinks etc. They differ to homeopathic remedies in this respect. Hot drinks will cause the alcohol to evaporate but the flower essence will remain in the drink.
Are there any side effects from using the remedies?
Whilst the Bach Flower remedies are considered to be free from side effects, if you notice anything different when using the remedies or experience any additional symptoms please stop taking the remedies and speak to either your doctor or a Registered Bach Flower Practitioner.
Do the remedies work faster if I don't dilute them?
There is no difference in potency or speed of effect between taking the four drops from a treatment bottle and taking neat stock remedy. The brandy in the stock bottle will, however, taste stronger and this psychologically may give the impression that the essences are stronger. This isn't the case.
Can I take Bach Original Flower Remedies with other medicine?
As always, if you are taking prescribed medication it is advisable for you to speak with your doctor before using the Bach Flower Remedies (or other forms of self purchased treatments) and and follow the advice given.
How many remedies can I use at once?
No more than seven should be used. You may feel as if you need more than this, but you should try to pinpoint six or seven at the most. Try to pinpoint how you are feeling at the moment, then match the exact mood you're in with the appropriate remedy. Any past emotions can be treated once you have dealt with the present ones.
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2 Reviews
Needless to say, after a week or so I quit using. They need to be smoother and actually have the ability to dissolve.

It works!
Recommended by a friend
trying a new brand of zinc lozenge
Good for colds etc..