Thorne Research - Thyroid Test Kit
Thyroid imbalance is more common than you might think. This at-home blood test provides insights about thyroid function by measuring key hormone levels. Results include a personalized health plan.
A Description of Your Thyroid Gland
The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland just located above your collarbone. The hormones secreted by the thyroid gland affect all the cells in the body and most of the body's metabolic processes. If something happens to change how the thyroid gland normally works, then the thyroid can begin to either under-produce or over-produce the hormones it secretes.
If your thyroid is sluggish, then your metabolism can be slowed down, and you could experience easy weight gain, chilliness (especially your hands and feet), dry skin and hair, constipation, depression, slowed heart rate, and inability to focus. On the other hand, if your thyroid is overactive, then you could experience the opposite - rapid heart rate, diarrhea, sweating, flushes of heat, nervousness, tremors, and trouble sleeping. In either case, you would feel unusually fatigued.
According to the American Thyroid Association, more than 12 percent of the population will deal with a thyroid condition at some point in their lives. Of the nearly 20 million Americans living with a thyroid condition, 60 percent don't realize it.
How the Thyroid Biomarkers They Measure Impact Your Health
The levels of the four different thyroid-related biomarkers that we test can indicate whether your thyroid gland is under-functioning or over-functioning. Understanding how these biomarkers are produced and how they function is critical to understanding the importance of a healthy thyroid.
You Should Take This Test if You:
- Are an adult age 40+
- Feel sluggish and fatigued
- Have difficulty losing weight
- Feel cold often
What It Measures:
- Thyroid Hormones (Blood Spot)
Thyroid hormones regulate how fast or slow the body’s cells work – everything from how fast or slow the heart beats to how quickly or slowly the intestines process food. - Thyroid Antibodies (Blood Spot)
The presence of antibodies in the blood directed against some aspect of the thyroid gland suggests that a thyroid hormone imbalance could be autoimmune related. Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) are among the most clinically relevant of these.
What You'll Discover
Your personal microbiome results are displayed on an easy-to-read dashboard with descriptions of what each one means for you.Analysis
Your gut microbiome is analyzed to identify potential health risks and specific areas of improvement using whole-genome sequencing powered by Onegevity Health Intelligence.Improvement Plan
Receive a personalized report with precise recommendations that include dietary, supplement, and lifestyle habits based on your unique results.- Thyroid Hormones (Blood Spot)
Suggested Use
How it works: 1.Order and activate After you purchase is complete, everything you need for you at-home test is delivered to your door. Use the activation code located on the back of the test kit to activate your test on thorne.com and complete your health profile. 2.Collect samples and send Referencing the direction booklet included in your test kit, compete your sample collection from the comfort of your home. Use the prepaid shipper to mail your samples directly to the laboratory. 3.Receive result and recommendations Your results will be reviewed by an independent, board-certified physician. Within 7-9 days you will receive your personalized results with meaningful insights and recommendations to promote your health and wellness.
Questions & Answers
2 Reviews
Needless to say, after a week or so I quit using. They need to be smoother and actually have the ability to dissolve.

It works!
Recommended by a friend
trying a new brand of zinc lozenge
Good for colds etc..