Eidon Ionic Minerals Zinc Liquid - 18 oz (533 ml)
Eidon Ionic Minerals Zinc Liquid activates healthy immune function, gastrointestinal health, wound healing, and sense of taste and smell. Zinc supports normal growth during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence. It is rapidly excreted during stress. Zinc deficiency is widespread. Eidon Ionic Minerals Zinc Liquid is easy to swallow and gentle on the stomach. It contains no sugars, starch, gluten, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors. Eidon Liquid Zinc has never been tested on animals, contains no animal by-products and is suited for vegan diets. Purity you can see, taste and feel.
Taking the guesswork out of supplements: Eidon uses a proprietary process that transforms pure mineral crystals into a fully hydrated, 100% bioavailable liquid ionic supplement.
- easy to swallow
- gentle on the stomach
- made in the USA and quality tested to assure safety and potency.
The Eidon Difference: Large doses are used in solid supplements because most of the mineral is not absorbed. Eidon minerals are 100% bioavailable. It is not necessary to take large doses in order to be effective.
It's not what you take, it's what you absorb.
Liquid Zinc
Zinc is essential for the maintenance of immune system strength and gland health. It can be rapidly depleted when the body is fighting an illness such as cold and flu. Zinc is the tenth most abundant element in the human body. Zinc is found in all organs, tissues and cells, and is involved in the function and activation of over 200 enzymes. Enzymes are the unique essential proteins that make the human body function properly.
Its vital role in maintaining proper immune system function and detoxification abilities has earned zinc its reputation as a cold and flu remedy. Zinc promotes immune system health by activating the production of white blood cells. These white blood cells form the basis of the immune system and destroy both damaged cells and invaders when antibodies recognize a specific antigen or foreign pathogen, such as a virus.
Zinc activates the production of numerous hormones necessary for growth and development. Like enzymes, hormones are proteins essential to the body's health. These proteins are produced in specific organs in the body, passed into the bloodstream and carried to distant cells and organs to stimulate numerous biological processes.
Zinc has been shown to play an integral role in combating stress, regulating appetite, useful in treating myopia (nearsightedness), and enhancing the senses of taste and smell. Most people suffering from alcoholism are found to be deficient in zinc. In addition, zinc protects the liver from damage. Alcohol is one of the most prevalent causes of liver malfunction, causing cirrhosis and fatty liver. Zinc has actually been shown to help reverse cirrhosis. Arsenic, cadmium, and lead are a few of the toxic elements that zinc helps to eliminate from the body. Inflammatory bowel disease, parasites and other intestinal problems can damage the intestines. Studies have shown that zinc is essential for intestinal wound healing. Consequently, zinc should be considered as a good supplement for gastrointestinal problems from heartburn to Crohn's disease.
Symptoms of Deficiency
The first signs of zinc deficiency are impairment of taste, a poor immune response and skin problems. Other symptoms of zinc deficiency can include hair loss, diarrhea, fatigue, delayed wound healing, and decreased growth rate and mental development in infants. It is thought that zinc supplementation can help skin conditions such as acne and eczema, prostate problems, anorexia nervosa, alcoholics and those suffering from trauma or post-surgery. It is always better to have a hair analysis done before dosing yourself with extra zinc.
Zinc Research
Zinc’s most important role is in maintaining the immune system. Zinc is important for the production, storage, and release of insulin. It is active in blood clotting, thyroid function, and influences behavior and learning. It is essential for vision, sense of taste and smell, wound healing, sperm production and a healthy prostate. Other roles are proper early development and health of the reproductive organs. The body will usually react very quickly to Zinc supplementation.
The Importance of Minerals
Minerals are the foundation of all life. They are essential for optimal health, and powerful in their ability to heal. Discover the magic of minerals.
Frequently Asked Questions
What's The Difference Between Eidon Multiple Minerals and Trace Minerals?
Any time you can enhance your tissue mineral status by supplementing with essential minerals you are doing yourself a great favor that will ultimately improve your quality of life. The type of minerals you select to take will impact you in different ways. Eidon gets a lot of inquires asking them to describe the difference between their multiple mineral and the product from Trace Minerals. Following is the difference.
Eidon’s Multiple Mineral has been formulated to deliver specific minerals known to be essential for daily health in a purified water and silica base. It is the only silica based liquid multiple mineral supplement available at any price. Silica is so lacking in our diets today that most if not all collagen disorders can be traced to its deficiency. To this base they then add the most well known essential minerals necessary on a day-to-day basis. These other minerals are not added haphazardly, but in specific amounts and balances as one would find in human tissue. Their formula reflects the most current understanding for optimal balance in a mineral formula. The macro-minerals, calcium and magnesium, are kept in a 1:1 ratio to correct the erroneous dietary trend of high calcium and low magnesium intake. The delicate triad of zinc, copper and manganese are kept in a specific ratio so as not to imbalance each other. Higher and equal levels of selenium and chromium compliment the zinc, copper and manganese ratio. Boron is utilized with silica in proportion to calcium and magnesium. Iron and copper are included with careful attention to the zinc triad. Iodine, potassium and sulfur put finishing touches on the formula within the current acceptability guidelines for tissue mineral balance.
There are many more mineral and gas elements identified on the Periodic Chart of the Elements. The essentiality of each has not been established to the point where they deemed them necessary to include in their formulation. As the essentiality of these other trace elements is established they will be included in Eidon's formula.
On the other side of the spectrum are multiple mineral blends derived from sources the manufacturer feels offers a complete spectrum of minerals. These sources include ocean water, water from inland salt lakes (Great Salt Lake and The Dead Sea) or ancient organic plant deposits through which water has been passed through. Trace Minerals derives their multiple from The Great Salt Lake-a body of water that does not support life. This may or may not provide the proper blend of minerals for human use and may or may not contain elements that are required by the human body.
It is their belief, that the optimal blend for a multiple mineral supplement is an unknown, which is truly frustrating. It is known that minerals are required on a daily basis and they are absolutely essential for maintaining health. Some minerals are more obviously utilized by everyone, and these are the minerals they have included in the Eidon Multiple Mineral blend. Their Multiple mineral was scientifically formulated to include minerals that can be safely used by everyone without question. More is not always better when it comes to the delicate balance of the human body.
The decision as to what supplement is best for the consumer is best left up to the consumer after doing their own research. The most important thing to recognize is that we all require minerals, and a liquid, bio-available form is best for complete absorption.
What's The Difference Between The 19 oz and 2 oz Bottles?
Eidon liquid minerals are available in 2 sizes.
Eidon minerals are available in both 19oz regular strength and 2oz concentrate. All of their individual and mineral blends are available in the 19oz. regular strength bottle. The 19 oz bottle is a HDPE food grade plastic and the recommended dose for each is one tablespoon. It's recommended taking these minerals in 4 to 8 oz of water or other liquid.
Due to consumer requests Eidon introduced a 2oz. bottle of concentrated liquid minerals in 2005. They are delivered in a cobalt blue glass bottle with a glass dropper. The recommended dose with the concentrates is 30 drops which can be quickly dispensed as two full squeeze and releases of the dropper bulb. This smaller size is very convenient for traveling, work, or when you only have a limited storage space. All the minerals are available in the 2oz size with the exclusion of Calcium, Copper and Chromium. It's recommended taking the mineral concentrates in 8 oz of liquid.
In most cases, the 30-drop dose is equivalent to the one-tablespoon dose of the 19oz. bottle. This is not the case with Iodine or Magnesium. These two minerals are more highly concentrated than the regular strength on a dose-to-dose comparison.
Eidon mineral supplements do not require refrigeration. Do not freeze the silica or any blend containing silica (Multiple Mineral, Bone Support, and Joint Support) as it cannot withstand freezing temperatures. Once frozen, the silica’s molecular structure is modified and it will not go back into solution. It's also recommended that you do not drink directly from the bottle as it can become contaminated with bacteria from your mouth.
Shelf life of the minerals is 3 years.
What Makes Eidon Minerals Special?
The proprietary methods of manufacturing their high quality mineral line creates an easy to use liquid (odorless and tasteless) that has superior bioavailability. Their minerals are made in America and manufactured on site with strict quality control. All batches are independently tested for heavy metals.
Are There Additives, Sweeteners or Preservatives Included?
In a word, no. Eidon's minerals are simply the mineral and purified water. This makes their products safe and effective for diabetics or any one concerned about additional ingredients.
Why Do We Need Mineral Supplements?
Our bodies are made primarily of water and minerals, both of which are essential to every function within the human body. A proper balance of minerals is required for appropriate function and electrical conductivity. An excess or deficiency of any one mineral can throw the body out of its delicate health balance. When the body goes out of balance, disease can set in. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins are all organic substances – they are compounds of the chemical element carbon. In addition to these organic nutrients, the human body requires certain chemical elements in their inorganic forms, or not bound to carbon. These elements in their non-organic forms are classified as dietary minerals. Before the depletion of soils and the use of synthetic fertilizers and modern manufacturing processes, plants were rich with a usable form of the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that our bodies need. Now, in order to get the daily requirement of these essential elements, we would need to eat an unrealistic amount of food because the nutrients are no longer there. This is where supplements come in.
What Are Water-Soluble Minerals?
Water-soluble minerals are unique from other mineral supplements because they utilize a new proprietary scientific technology that transforms insoluble minerals (metals) into angstrom-sized water-soluble particles. An angstrom is 1/10,000th of a micron, which is a millionth of a meter. Previously, only plants, with help from the sun and organisms in the soil, had the ability to reduce minerals (metals) to angstrom-sized particles. The ability of a mineral to be utilized by the body is primarily a matter of size. If you get the particle size of the mineral small enough, you not only get the mineral into the body (absorption), but you also accomplish cell assimilation, which is the key to fully utilizing the benefits of mineral nutrients. Because these water-soluble minerals are not dependent on the digestive or enzymatic functions of the body, they work extraordinarily well for older people and others with diminished body system abilities. They are also easier for children and older people to swallow than pills or capsules.
Are Water-Soluble Minerals Better Than Pill or Capsule Form?
Eidon believes the criteria for proper utilization and absorption of all minerals, vitamins and other nutrients is dependent on their size and absorbability, also called bioavailability. No matter what the body takes in, it has to "liquify" it in order to be able to use it. The challenge with most traditional pill and capsule supplements is that they usually have been processed with intense pressure, heat, paraffin coatings, and fillers. This “complex” nutrient form is difficult for the body to break down as it is not in the desired form the body needs. Just because a substance may be present in a compound, does not mean that it can be used. Rust is not a bioavailable source of iron, and pennies are not a bioavailable source of copper. Although a substance may be present in a compound, it does not mean it can be used.
Body absorption of the desired elemental mineral from pills and capsules is often less than 10%, with cell assimilation being almost immeasurable. In addition, pills and capsules require significant digestion before any type of effective absorption can take place. Due to consumption of foods heavily laden with preservatives, drinking highly acidic beverages such as soda and coffee, exposure to environmental toxins, as well as the normal aging process, the digestive capacity of most individuals is significantly compromised. Therefore, mineral supplements provided in pill/capsule/tablet form provide fractional benefits to the body at best due to their challenges with both absorption and assimilation in the body. Even liquefied suspensions are not in a pure design, these are simply a suspension of small particles in water. Grinding up a pill and suspending it in water does not increase its bioavailability any more than putting dirt in water (making mud) increases its bioavailability. When minerals are truly water-soluble, they provide significant health benefits superior to any other supplement form.
Why Is Particle Size Important To Absorption?
Chelated and colloidal particles are far too large for cell assimilation in the body. These particles will be caught up in the blood stream and subsequently deposited, building up in various parts of the body, contributing to diseases such as kidney stones, bone spurs and hardening of the arteries. Toxic buildup of colloidal minerals such as lead and aluminum is known as heavy-metal poisoning.
The body’s ability to utilize a mineral is primarily a matter of size and solubility. If the mineral particles can be reduced down small enough, they can then be absorbed by the body without the need for them to be broken down into a less usable form through the process of digestion. The most important issue for absorption of a mineral is making sure it is in its ionic form. The dominant factor is that the mineral must be freed from whatever matrix it is contained within so it can be recognized and taken up by the body. Being in its ionic form helps the body recognize and use the minerals.
Can I Take Too Much Of A Water-Soluble Mineral?
As with all supplements, more is not always better. Any compound taken in extreme excess can be unhealthy for the body. There cannot be a blanket statement to cover all compounds, or even minerals and vitamins. Each respective ingredient has its own “biochemical uniqueness.” The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of a nutrient is a suggested maximum amount to be taken each day. Because of their bioavailability, the dosage amount for liquid ionic minerals is less than the RDA since the entire dosage is usable by the body. Remember, body absorption of the desired elemental mineral from pills and capsules is often less than 10%. So, for example, if you take a 500 mg. capsule, your body may only be able to use 50 mg of it at the most. It's suggested following the recommended dosages provided on each product. Larger doses should be taken under the advice of a healthcare professional. There are also some minerals that are very powerful and should be taken carefully. For example, iron and selenium are two elements that should be taken in small doses unless otherwise advised by a health care professional.
Do Water-Soluble Minerals Reacts With Pharmaceuticals?
Mineral supplementation has been very safe. However, specific drugs may have specific guidelines for use. It is recommended that, before starting any mineral or nutritional program, you check with your healthcare professional for possible interactions. However, a positive side effect has been seen with supplements. As mineral deficiencies are corrected, the need for pharmaceutical drugs that mask deficiency symptoms may no longer be needed.
How Long Will It Take Before I See Results?
With nutrition, we are giving the body what it needs to heal itself and rebuild itself anew and this takes time. To build a better body, we have to wait on the natural turnover of the body's cells. A blood cell lasts 60-120 days. In 3-4 months your whole blood supply is completely replaced. In 6 months almost all the proteins in your body die and are replaced, even the DNA of your genes. In a year all your bones and even the enamel of your teeth is replaced, constructed entirely out of the nutrients you eat. Think of it this way: if you take a neglected houseplant and start feeding and watering it, the leaves may perk up a bit from the improved nutrition. But you have to wait for old leaves to be cast off and new leaves to grow before you get a really healthy plant.
How Are These Mineral Product Manufactured?
Eidon's mineral products are produced in a state of the art manufacturing facility for the bottling of liquid products. Imitating the intricate processes found in nature, these minerals, which are food grade, pharmaceutical grade, or derived from natural sources, are made using a highly technical, proprietary technology to create Angstrom-sized mineral particles and combine them with ultra-pure activated water. These elemental mineral ions are able to exist in a perfect polar and ionic/water-soluble form. The purer the water the more efficiently minerals are activated into their electrically charged ionic state. These products use water that is purified at the manufacturing facility using a unique proprietary process which encompasses intensified reverse osmosis, ultra filtration and UV light. The product label states the minimal dose recommended to maintain an individual’s daily requirements. It is based on an individual weighing 100-150 lbs. The amounts appear small because these water-soluble minerals are approximately 100% bio-available and are fully assimilated by the body. As such, smaller and safer dosages are able to be used.
Suggested Use
One tablespoon per day in water.
Eidon Ionic Minerals Zinc Liquid - 18 oz / 533 ml | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Ingredients: De-ionized water | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Questions & Answers
2 Reviews
Needless to say, after a week or so I quit using. They need to be smoother and actually have the ability to dissolve.

It works!
Recommended by a friend
trying a new brand of zinc lozenge
Good for colds etc..