Agaricus Blazei
114 Products
In a world of new disease, environmental pollution, chemical bombardment, and increased daily stress, your immune system is being challenged like never before. Baby boomers will spend over $1 trillion dollars this year on enhancing their wellness, youth, and vitality.
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Agaricus Blazei
In a world of new disease, environmental pollution, chemical bombardment, and increased daily stress, your immune system is being challenged like never before. Baby boomers will spend over $1 trillion dollars this year on enhancing their wellness, youth, and vitality. Medical costs are skyrocketing. According to center of for disease control and prevention, cancers will cost this country an estimated $210 billion overall in 2005, which includes nearly $136 billion for lost productivity and over $70 billion for direct medical costs. The wellness revolution is about taking your health into your own hands by living a healthier lifestyle. Already over 500,000 people have jumped on the wellness train by adding all-natural agaricus blazei products to their dietary needs.