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Applied Nutrition

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Cleansing, multivitamins, red-hot libido enhancing products for men and women, and powerful green tea fat burners all fall within Applied Nutrition’s area of expertise. Backed by scientific research, their formulas use plant oils and extracts, fish oils, vitamins, and minerals to provide great results naturally.
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    Applied Nutrition

    Boosting Human Potential Naturally & Healthily is Applied Nutrition’s Goal

    Cleansing, multivitamins, red-hot libido enhancing products for men and women, and powerful green tea fat burners all fall within Applied Nutrition’s area of expertise. Backed by scientific research, their formulas use plant oils and extracts, fish oils, vitamins, and minerals to provide great results naturally. Chosen for their nourishing properties and biological effectiveness, the company’s ingredients are tested to ensure that they’re pure and potent. Many of the formulas come as liquid softgels or powders to make them easier to take than hard tablets.

    Potent Natural Extracts give Applied Nutrition’s Supplements their Oomph

    Applied Nutrition makes a range of quality nutritional supplements, but the most popular are their weight loss and sexual enhancement products. Their fat burner formulas deploy potent doses of green tea extract. The green tea is processed to obtain very high levels of the powerful antioxidant ECCG – a standard 50% in all their formulas. This extract alone is enough to melt fat fast, but it’s supported by a raft of adaptogenic herbs, too. With this multi-pronged approach using tried and true botanicals, it’s no wonder Applied Nutrition’s formulas are winners.

    Applied Nutrition Boosts Everything from the Brain to Sexual Performance

    A selection of specialized supplements are also part of the Applied Nutrition product range. These include mood and brain energy boosters intended to get the gray matter firing on all cylinders. The formulas make use of serotonin precursors like 5-HTP, alongside vitamins and herbs known to have positive emotional and mental benefits. They also make nitric oxide boosters for performance gains during sports or workouts. These feature L-citrulline, beetroot, B-vitamins, and herbs. The company is always looking for new ways to help people achieve their best, whether it’s in the bedroom, the exercise room, or working on mentally demanding tasks.