California Olive Ranch
114 Products
While high quality extra virgin olive oil conventionally comes from Spain or Italy, California Olive Ranch has taken the groundbreaking step of producing all-American extra virgin oil. Hand selected farms in the Golden State, who have the knowledge, expertise, and trees to produce certified extra virgin oil, are the company’s suppliers.
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California Olive Ranch First Cold Press Extra Virgin Olive Oil Arbequina - 16.9 fl. oz.23.27
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California Olive Ranch
Delicious American Extra Virgin Olive Oil from California Olive Ranch
While high quality extra virgin olive oil conventionally comes from Spain or Italy, California Olive Ranch has taken the groundbreaking step of producing all-American extra virgin oil. Hand selected farms in the Golden State, who have the knowledge, expertise, and trees to produce certified extra virgin oil, are the company’s suppliers. Offering a delicious flavor profile, their olive oils are fully tested and certified extra virgin by an independent third party organization. Some small amounts of oil from Argentina, Chile, and Portugal are now included, too.What Goes Into Making California Olive Ranch’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil?
Offering both 100% California olive oil in their Reserve Collection, and California plus worldwide oil blends in other products, California Olive Ranch bottles all their oils in CA. In order to achieve extra virgin certification, the olives are crushed and squeezed using purely mechanical methods. Free of heating or chemical solvents during the production process, this ensures the oil isn’t changed chemically or contaminated. The COOC, or California Olive Oil Council, provides the certification and the rigorous testing leading to it. All their oils are also Non-GMO Project Verified.California Olive Ranch Helped Transform American Olive Oil
Leadership is the trait that allowed California Olive Ranch to rise to its current position as supplier of America’s finest extra virgin olive oils. Launched in 1998, they found olive farming that had been going on for centuries in California, but with haphazard production values and methods. Spearheading a major change, they introduced new methods and quality standards that enabled many olive farmers to start producing world-class, top grade extra virgin olive oil affordably. Today, they continue their quest for sustainability and excellence – plus light, delicious, savory olive oil from America.Category