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Catalina Crunch

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Hi, I'm Krishna - Here's My Story As a kid, I ate chocolate puffs every day for breakfast and absolutely loved them! Unfortunately, when I turned 17, I was diagnosed with T1 diabetes and had to give them up since they are just sugar and empty carbs.
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    Catalina Crunch

    Hi, I'm Krishna - Here's My Story
    As a kid, I ate chocolate puffs every day for breakfast and absolutely loved them! Unfortunately, when I turned 17, I was diagnosed with T1 diabetes and had to give them up since they are just sugar and empty carbs.


    I tried many healthy options for breakfast. But besides eggs, everything tasted like cardboard. I got fed up. I wanted a delicious cereal that would satisfy my chocolate craving but that didn't have all the sugar and empty carbs. So I made my own: Catalina Crunch.

    They've filled my mornings with child-like excitement. I am so proud of what we've created, and I can't wait to share this delicious new cereal with you!