Emerald Labs
114 Products
Additive-free supplements are Emerald Labs’ contribution to healthier living, all of them doctor-formulated and gluten-free for even more health benefits. Their range of supplements includes women’s, men’s, condition specific, prenatal, joint, digest and detox, heart, energy, sleep, and anti-aging wellness supports, among others.
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Emerald Labs Women's 45+ Multi Vit-A-Min - 60 Vegetarian Capsules35.96
$39.95($0.6/serving)Save 9.9874843554443$35.96$39.95(₹0.6/serving)-
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Emerald Labs Men's 45+ Multi Vit-A-Min Raw Whole-Food Based Formula - 120 Vegetarian Capsules47.66
$52.95($1.59/serving)Save 9.9905571293673$47.66$52.95(₹1.59/serving)-
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Emerald Labs Prenatal Multi Vit-A-Min - 30 Vegetarian Capsules19.76
$21.95($0.66/serving)Save 9.9772209567198$19.76$21.95(₹0.66/serving)-
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Emerald Labs CoEnzymated B Healthy - 120 Vegetarian Capsules44.06
$48.95($0.73/serving)Save 9.9897854954035$44.06$48.95(₹0.73/serving)-
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Emerald Labs Emerald Zinc 25mg, 90 Capsules11.99
$14.99Save 20.013342228152$11.99$14.99-
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Emerald Labs Emerald Blood Pressure Health, 90 Veg Capsules23.99
$29.99Save 20.00666888963$23.99$29.99-
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Emerald Labs Emerald Heart Health, 90 Veg Capsules23.99
$29.99Save 20.00666888963$23.99$29.99-
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Emerald Labs Emerald B-Healthy, 60 Veg Capsules21.99
$27.49Save 20.007275372863$21.99$27.49-
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Emerald Labs Emerald B-Healthy, 120 Veg Capsules39.99
$49.99Save 20.00400080016$39.99$49.99-
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Emerald Labs Emerald Adrenal Health, 60 Veg Capsules29.99
$37.49Save 20.005334755935$29.99$37.49-
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Emerald Labs Emerald Health High Potency Multi Vit-A-Min, 120 Veg Capsules34.99
$43.74Save 20.004572473708$34.99$43.74-
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Emerald Labs Emerald Women's 1-Daily Multi, 30 Veg Capsules14.99
$18.74Save 20.010672358591$14.99$18.74-
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Emerald Labs Emerald Complete 1-Daily Multi, 30 Veg Capsules12.99
$16.24Save 20.012315270936$12.99$16.24-
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Emerald Labs Emerald Prenatal Multi Vitamin, 120 Veg Capsules39.99
$49.99Save 20.00400080016$39.99$49.99-
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Emerald Labs Emerald Weight Loss Health, 60 Veg Capsules26.99
$33.74Save 20.005927682276$26.99$33.74-
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Emerald Labs
Pure and Simple Health Supplements by Emerald Labs
Additive-free supplements are Emerald Labs’ contribution to healthier living, all of them doctor-formulated and gluten-free for even more health benefits. Their range of supplements includes women’s, men’s, condition specific, prenatal, joint, digest and detox, heart, energy, sleep, and anti-aging wellness supports, among others. Many of the products they make are vegan, and all are designed to live up their mission statement – “pure ingredients, nothing else.” The simplicity and directness of each supplement lets you know exactly what you’re taking, and what to expect out of it.Emerald Labs Products Absorb Fast & Work Effectively
Emerald Labs makes all of its products in the USA to support the American health supplement industry, and to ensure top quality. All of their supplements are designed with clinical potency to provide the maximum effect and benefits to the well-being of users. With no additives to interfere, the healthful compounds and nutrients undergo fast uptake by the body, becoming available to the metabolism quickly and thoroughly. The use of raw whole-food ingredients in many formulas preserves synergistic enzymes that may help the body use nutrients even more effectively.How a Naturopath’s Insight Guides Emerald Labs
Dr. Mark Stengler is the brains behind Emerald Labs’ plethora of health-boosting nutrient and dietary supplements. A licensed naturopath medical doctor, Dr. Stengler is passionate about optimizing people’s health by using the principles of natural and integrative medicine. He’s also the published author of “Prescription for Natural Cures.” His high quality work for Emerald Labs is an outgrowth of his lifelong interest in and dedication to helping people attain more balanced, healthy lifestyles.Category