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Sometimes, getting through a long day can be difficult as energy levels drop off in the afternoon. Fortunately, there is a healthy, organic answer to the ‘droops’, and that is GoMacro.
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    GoMacro Makes Healthy, Delicious Snacks

    Sometimes, getting through a long day can be difficult as energy levels drop off in the afternoon. Fortunately, there is a healthy, organic answer to the ‘droops’, and that is GoMacro. GoMacro makes a line of whole-food bars that may provide a tasty way to keep going naturally. Good health and good flavor are not mutually exclusive, as GoMacro has proven with their line of nutritious, gluten-free snack bars. And GoMacro bars aren’t only good for between meal snacks, they are great to take along while camping or hiking, or when participating in a sporting event.

    GoMacro Started with One Woman’s Idea

    Sometimes bad news can be a stimulus to do something positive. This was the case with Amelia Kirchoff, and it was the beginning of the GoMacro company. Using a macrobiotic diet to regain her health, Amelia and her daughter Jola decided to bring this to the wider world. Since 2004, Amelia and Jola have been helping to spread the word about the need for a healthy diet. Snacks make up a part of almost everyone’s diet, and GoMacro snack bars are a vegan, non-GMO way to enjoy a healthy, guilt-free treat.

    The Importance of a Clean, Healthy World

    At GoMacro, respect for the natural world is one of the company’s guiding lights. Located on a beautiful farm in Wisconsin, GoMacro appreciates the beauty of the world and is doing its part in helping to preserve it. Using ingredients grown by small farmers who practice eco-friendly agriculture, GoMacro takes a stand against large ‘factory farms’. Purchasing their raw materials from growers in America whenever possible, GoMacro supports fair wages and good environmental standards.