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Herban Cowboy

114 Products
  • $0$10$20$30$40
Starting a personal care company on a few thousand dollars, in a log cabin on a dirt road with no internet and a questionable phone line, could be classified as crazy. The fact we were broke wasn't a plus.
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    • ₹ 0 - ₹ 3,080
    • ₹ 0 - ₹ 3,080
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    Herban Cowboy

    Starting a personal care company on a few thousand dollars, in a log cabin on a dirt road with no internet and a questionable phone line, could be classified as crazy. The fact we were broke wasn't a plus. After ruining all our hand me down pots and pans developing our first formulae, hand filling our first bottles of shave cream and taking our first order down to the local rural post office where we were greeted with long stares; we got it running. After years of work and countless hours fighting with many of our suppliers who said it couldn't be done, we achieved the first certified organic personal care facility in the U.S and offered recyclable packaging - both revolutionary in the personal care market.