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Manitoba Harvest

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Manitoba Harvest loves hemp so much they specialize in manufacturing and selling hemp foods, from seed to shelf. They are proud to be the world’s largest hemp food manufacturer that grows, makes, and sell their own delicious hemp foods and snacks.
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    Manitoba Harvest

    Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods & Snacks

    Manitoba Harvest loves hemp so much they specialize in manufacturing and selling hemp foods, from seed to shelf. They are proud to be the world’s largest hemp food manufacturer that grows, makes, and sell their own delicious hemp foods and snacks. Plus, they spend time educating farmers and encouraging more hemp acres, and they have their own world class manufacturing facility which boasts the highest level of global certification in the areas of food safety and quality (BRC Grade A+). What do hemp foods taste like? Hemp has a slightly nutty taste. The shelled hemp seeds, called Hemp Hearts, are delicious and nutritious, perfect for sprinkling on salads and soups, on yogurts or mixed into recipes. You'll no doubt find many ways to use Manitoba Harvest hemp seeds, oils, snack bars, granola, and protein powders.

    Quality Hemp Products You Can Trust

    Manitoba Harvest is high grade, superiority, and excellence. They maintain a strict commitment to produce safe, consistent, and trusted products your whole family can enjoy. They are dedicated to quality from non-GMO seed to shelf! Since not all hemp seed is of the same quality, Manitoba Harvest is the first and only hemp food manufacturer to set up their own in-house quality control lab. Every hemp seed ungoes rigorous quality testing. This allows Manitoba Harvest control over how the products are made and the quality.  

    Omega-Rich Hemp Seeds

    Hemp foods are rich in a variety of nutrients and offer a broader spectrum of benficial omega fatty acids than other superfoods such as chia, peas, and flax! Essential fatty acid omegas are known to help improve heart health and blood circulation, plus they are essential for every single cell in the body, not to mention tissues and glands. Hemp seed oil can help improve skin health and a healthy immune system response. Hemp seeds contain a good balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids that go a long way to help support and maintain your health and well-being.