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Mighty Leaf

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Premium, refreshing tea is the offering of Mighty Leaf, a company that believes drinking tea should be a deeply satisfying experience. They make high quality loose leaf teas, as well as bagged teas that feature hand-stitched silken tea bags made by skilled artisans.
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    Mighty Leaf

    Tasty Natural Tea Blends from Mighty Leaf offer Pleasurable Refreshment

    Premium, refreshing tea is the offering of Mighty Leaf, a company that believes drinking tea should be a deeply satisfying experience. They make high quality loose leaf teas, as well as bagged teas that feature hand-stitched silken tea bags made by skilled artisans. The teas often come as carefully selected blends, including either green teas or black teas. Some are enhanced with flavorful fruits such as guava or pineapple for an exotic, savory drink. Using whole leaves for many teas gives Mighty Leaf beverages a deliciously complex flavor.

    How Mighty Leaf Ensures its Tea is Topnotch

    Ethical sourcing is key to Mighty Leaf’s high quality teas, with small producers used to provide all of their leaves. These sources are chosen for their healthy, eco-friendly approach to growing tea, with many of them fully organic and avoiding the use of chemicals. The teas are tested for quality, freshness, and flavor at the company’s California facility before they get blended and packaged for use. Each blend is rated for caffeine level so that it’s easy to choose the amount of this natural stimulant you prefer.

    The Impressive Ethical Credentials of Mighty Leaf

    Mighty Leaf is a leader not only in premium, extra tasty tea, but in ethical business, too. The enterprise helps to support tea and coffee farming communities with their Farmer Assistance program. They use direct trade methods, meaning that they deal directly with the suppliers so that they can check on conditions, quality, and adherence to organic standards without the interference of a middleman. Their supply chain transparency policy means that every source is thoroughly investigated to make sure there’s no use of forced labor in the production of coffee or tea.