114 Products
A lovelier bunch of coconuts you’ve never spied than those NUCO uses to make its premium coconut foods. Organic, GMO-free, and naturally dense with nutrients, the products by NUCO contain an array of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
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NUCO Coconut Crunch Organic Cereal - 10.58 oz.7.80
$9.72($0.78/serving)Save 19.753086419753$7.80$9.72(₹0.78/serving)-
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NUCO Coconut Crunch Organic Cereal - 10.58 oz.9.09
$9.72($0.91/serving)Save 6.4814814814815$9.09$9.72(₹0.91/serving)-
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NUCO NUCO Coconut Crunch Cereal, 10.58 oz.9.32
$11.65Save 20$9.32$11.65-
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NUCO has a Healthy Organic Coconut Product for Every Kitchen
A lovelier bunch of coconuts you’ve never spied than those NUCO uses to make its premium coconut foods. Organic, GMO-free, and naturally dense with nutrients, the products by NUCO contain an array of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Many of their products are designed to be alternatives to conventional foods. Organic coconut vinegar takes the place of ordinary vinegar in countless recipes, which adds a welcome zing to the equation. Their coconut wraps are a bread alternative made without gluten, wheat, or soy. All NUCO’s delicious, wholesome foods explore the culinary possibilities of coconuts.Natural Foods that Boost Health and Work with Paleo
NUCO makes its coconut-based foods as simple as possible, creating straight-up organic deliciousness with no complications. In fact, some of them are suitable for a paleo diet, and both those and others will work for a ketogenic diet, too. Any coconut oil used is left unrefined so that it’s got the whole natural suite of health-building amino acids and enzymes in it. The use of organic ingredients extends all the way to the spices and flavorings used in many of their delicious, healthy productsCoconuts and Charity, the NUCO Story
NUCO’s story is very much entwined with the exports of the Philippines. When the founder of the company realized 23% of the population worked in the coconut industry yet still lived in poverty, he wanted to change the narrative. This is why the company partners with local, organic farms throughout the region. These family-owned businesses benefit greatly from NUCO’s business, which has helped to slowly shift the economic landscape. The company also works with a number of organizations that help to strengthen local schools, protect ecosystems, and more.Category