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Stash Tea

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Brewing up a tea of soothing, refreshing herbal tea with Stash Tea’s premium products opens up many possibilities for flavor and health benefits. The company makes a wide range of different teas.
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    Stash Tea

    Relax & Reorient with Stash Tea Organic Herbal Teas

    Brewing up a tea of soothing, refreshing herbal tea with Stash Tea’s premium products opens up many possibilities for flavor and health benefits. The company makes a wide range of different teas. Green tea offers a delicious, energizing golden beverage full of wellness-boosting antioxidants. Their caffeine free teas are spicy, warming brews ideally suited to relaxation. The Stash range includes flavors for all kinds of tea-drinkers, including spicy, fruity, chai, citrus, ginger, nutty, and more. Varied as they all, they’re all united by their quality and their clean organic recipes.

    Stash Tea Beverages offer Peace & Enjoyment in a Non-Stop World

    Stash Tea began decades ago in Portland, Oregan, launching in 1972 with the adventurous spirit of long-ago tea ships circumnavigating the globe with their fragrant cargo. Their aim is to supply flavorful teas for the timeless, harmonizing ritual of drinking a delicious mug of spicy tea. Having a good cup of healthy tea helps people connect to and regain perspective in today’s hectic modern world. That’s the guiding philosophy of Stash Tea, along with supplying the cleanest, purest organic teas from proven sustainable suppliers.

    Helping the Environment is Second Nature to Stash Tea

    Aiming to achieve a lusher, healthier, greener world, Stash Tea supports organic farms and sustainable growing methods around the globe. They’re big believers in renewable energy, obtaining their electricity from a green power utility in the Portland area. Employees get support for buying bus passes to cut down on emissions by encouraging use of public transport. Their products come in fully recyclable boxes. Their code of ethics extends to helping to strengthen communities with event sponsorships, environmental education, and more.