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Sufficient-C LLC is the force behind Sufficient-C High Dose Vitamin C Lemon Peach Immune-Ade drink mix and Glutenizer Kiwi-Strawberry Digestive-Ade drink mix. These non-GMO, stevia sweetened, satisfying recipes offer "more" vitamin C combined with other generously dosed nutrients and enzymes, than any other product in the market place.
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    • ₹ 0 - ₹ 3,080
    • ₹ 0 - ₹ 3,080
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    Sufficient-C LLC is the force behind Sufficient-C High Dose Vitamin C Lemon Peach Immune-Ade drink mix and Glutenizer Kiwi-Strawberry Digestive-Ade drink mix. These non-GMO, stevia sweetened, satisfying recipes offer "more" vitamin C combined with other generously dosed nutrients and enzymes, than any other product in the market place.
    Sufficient-C  believes that "more" C is what is often needed to maintain and recover health. Their mission is to provide flavor with  function in each thirst quenching sip so anyone can easily be encouraged to support their immune and digestive system. 100% water soluble! "Immune & Digestive Support Never Tasted This Good!"