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Swisspers Premium Products

114 Products
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It all began in 1983 when Swisspers decided to harvest organic cotton, and they have been creating high-quality cotton products ever since. Each item integrates the four core values of the Swisspers firm: quality, value, performance, and service.
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    Swisspers Premium Products

    Why Choose Swisspers U.S. Cotton?

    It all began in 1983 when Swisspers decided to harvest organic cotton, and they have been creating high-quality cotton products ever since. Each item integrates the four core values of the Swisspers firm: quality, value, performance, and service. It is with these firm beliefs that Swisspers has become the leading U.S. cotton supplier available today. Their technological developments and innovative beauty and cosmetic ideas are driving the industry to new heights every day.

    Holistic and Sustainable Cotton Products

    Swisspers is committed to reducing the waste and carbon emissions that are involved in cotton manufacturing. Responsibility to the environment is just as important as responsibility to their loyal customers. They always strive to source SFI and FSC certified cartons and suppliers whenever used. All raw materials used in the production of Swisspers cotton products are recycled and every ink used is plant-based and created to be sustainable.

    Organic & Safe Beauty Supplies

    Find products that are 100% safe and all-natural and have suite any skin type. Each item is pure cotton, every time. Whenever cotton rounds, pads, or swabs are needed, Swisspers has the perfect organic options to fill your bathroom stock. Choose from a variety of different textures depending on your skin and preference. Smooth and slightly exfoliating cotton fabrics are always options!