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Trace Minerals Research

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Helping achieve the balanced nutrition that keeps your body energized and in fine fettle, Trace Minerals Research produces a wide range of liquid vitamins and minerals. These easy-to-take, highly absorbable nutritional supplements feature rich trace minerals like boron, lithium, selenium, and magnesium.
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    Trace Minerals Research

    Balancing the Body is the Mission of Trace Minerals Research

    Helping achieve the balanced nutrition that keeps your body energized and in fine fettle, Trace Minerals Research produces a wide range of liquid vitamins and minerals. These easy-to-take, highly absorbable nutritional supplements feature rich trace minerals like boron, lithium, selenium, and magnesium. They’re meant to provide the nutrients that the body needs, but that are far too often missing from modern diets. Adding in electrolytes, enzymes, and herbs, they make formulas for everything from energy to better sleep, joint support, digestion, kids’ wellness, and much more.

    Trace Minerals Research Supplements are Absorbed & Used Thoroughly

    The ionized minerals Trace Minerals Research uses in their liquid supplements were chosen for their properties in the human body. They offer very thorough absorption, much more efficiently than conventional minerals. They also are meant to help provide the necessary materials for the billions of small-scale electrical impulses that occur in the body daily, aiding the better function of organs, nerves, and muscles. The company aims to help free you from muscle cramps, fatigue, and food cravings for a refreshing glow of overall wellness.

    Trace Minerals Research has Explored Mineral Supplementation for Decades

    Founded with the goal of improving vitality and boosting quality of life, Trace Minerals Research was launched over four decades ago. Selling only a limited range of products, the company didn’t take off until 1999. In that year, it was bought out by Scott Perkes and Matt Kitts, who still run the company. Bringing fresh energy to the enterprise, they increased the reach and success of TMR by 800% in the first decade. This made health-boosting minerals and vitamin supplements available to far more people in America and around the globe, spreading the benefits of natural, mineral-based wellness.