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Building a powerful physique demands a foundation of great nutrition – exactly what Vitol aims to provide with its nutritional supplements. Embracing advanced sports nutrition science and the latest high-tech methods of nourishment, they offer benchmark setting supplements that provide the shortest route to muscular development.
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    Energize Your Workouts with the Fitness Science of Vitol

    Building a powerful physique demands a foundation of great nutrition – exactly what Vitol aims to provide with its nutritional supplements. Embracing advanced sports nutrition science and the latest high-tech methods of nourishment, they offer benchmark setting supplements that provide the shortest route to muscular development. Everything from egg white protein to Yohimbe bark, Sitka deer antler to effective amino acids like L-arginine, goes into each product. The results are hard-charging supplements that boost workout energy, support fast muscle growth, and help you win the power of the Russian Bear.

    Vitol’s Quest for Great Muscle-Building Results Hormone-Free

    Internationally recognized for the excellence of their sports nutrition formulas, Vitol empowers both men and women to achieve their physical best. They’ve been making sports nutrition products since the 1970s, constantly working to innovate and push the boundaries of athletic supplement science. The result is a line of products that uses natural herbs and ingredients, plus wholesome amino acids, to provide great fitness results without hormones. Their high performance line relies on vitamins, aminos, and botanical compounds to help reward your efforts with outstanding results.

    Vitol from Old-Time Circus Strongmen to Cutting Edge Nutrition Science

    Inspiration for the founding of Vitol came from “Uncle John,” AKA “the Russian Bear,” the uncle of Dr. Val Vasilef, who created the first Vitol formulas. A circus strongman, he performed many feats of physical power back in the days when such feats were done for real, with only strength and skill to prevent injury. Dr. Val Vasilev, recipient of 80 awards for feats of strength and fitness and a Mr. America winner, is Vitol’s founder and CEO. He brings his own practical knowledge and experience to bear in helping to formulate world-class fitness supplements.