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For more than 80 years, Bach Original Flower Remedies and Rescue Remedy have been trusted to help people (and pets! ) achieve joy, comfort, and happiness.
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    Bach Original Flower Remedies & Rescue Remedy for Positive Emotions in People & Pets

    For more than 80 years, Bach Original Flower Remedies and Rescue Remedy have been trusted to help people (and pets!) achieve joy, comfort, and happiness. Dr. Edward Bach discovered that flowers are able to affect our emotions in a positive way and can assist in the improvement of one’s overall wellbeing. Dr. Bach created a system of 38 Flower Remedies that help transform negative emotions into positive ones, therefore inspiring one’s own potential for self-healing. You can use Bach Original Flower Remedies along with other homeopathic and prescription medicines. They are safe for everyone including children, pets, the elderly, pregnant women, even plants. Rescue Remedy, a blend of five different Bach Original Flower Remedies, is perhaps the most famous Bach remedy. (Always consult your healthcare practitioner prior to introducing a new drug or supplement into your daily regime.)

    What is Rescue Remedy & What Benefits Does it Offer?

    Rescue Remedy is made from five Bach Original Flower Remedies in a 5x (HPUS) dilution. It includes Star of Bethlehem (Orithogalum umbellatum), Rock Rose (Helianthemum), Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera), Impatiens (Impatiens gladulifera), and Clematis (Clematis vitalba). Rescue Remedy was formulated to help you deal with daily, on the go stressful situations. It’s an easy to grab-and-go product when you simply don’t have time to make decisions about which individual flower essences to use. Use Rescue Remedy to alleviate stressful situations, calm your nerves, or for self-care during traumatic situations. Rescue Remedy can help you get through your tough event with calm strength. Star of Bethlehem is a flower remedy that is particularly good during times of intense emotion, shock, and trauma. Even if the experience took place in the past, Star of Bethlehem helps teach you how to recover and incorporate the experience into your daily life in a positive way. Rock Rose is a flower remedy that is great for alleviating feelings of panic or terror. Cherry Plum can assist in the cultivation of courage and self-trust during times of fear and self-doubt. Impatiens teaches how to be patient and lowers stress. Finally, Clematis teaches grounding, clarity, and alertness for people who have a tendency to daydream. It can also promote creativity by bridging the world of ideas with physical reality. Rescue Remedy comes in a variety of forms suitable for different moments… spray, drops, pastilles, dissolvable gel capsules and cream.

    What Emotions Can Bach Help Treat?

    The 38 Bach Original Flower Remedies can help transform a variety of negative emotions into positive ones. If you feel sad, stressed, or fearful there is a Bach remedy for you. For example, if you lack focus due to spaciness, Clematis can help you Have Focus. If you get embarrassed easily, Mimulus can help you Face Your Fears. Bach remedies can also help neutralize the effect of grief, anger, hate, resentment, separation anxiety, and sleeplessness caused by a racing mind. Dr. Edward Bach strongly believed that every person has “wonderful individuality” and that’s precisely what he discovered in flowers. Bach Original Flower Remedies is a system based on purity and simplicity, and designed to assist in the understanding and balancing of your emotions on a personal level.