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Organic India

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ORGANIC INDIA was formed in the 1990's by a small group of people from around the world who met in Lucknow, a town in northern India. Their idea was simple: establish a sustainable business model to support the livelihood of impoverished farmers in India by providing training and education, enabling self-sufficiency, and developing skills that could be passed on to future generations.
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    Organic India

    ORGANIC INDIA was formed in the 1990's by a small group of people from around the world who met in Lucknow, a town in northern India. Their idea was simple: establish a sustainable business model to support the livelihood of impoverished farmers in India by providing training and education, enabling self-sufficiency, and developing skills that could be passed on to future generations.

    Love and Consciousness in Action:

    At the heart of ORGANIC INDIA is our commitment to be a living embodiment of love and consciousness in action.

    The work we do as human beings matters. ORGANIC INDIA's products and practices are created by conscious decisions based on True Wellness-the guiding principle of ORGANIC INDIA-describing a system that harms no one and is beneficial to all, from the earth to the consumer, and every farmer, employee and community in between. In practicing True Wellness, we ensure that our business practices enhance the wellbeing of the natural environment and all beings.

    Regenerative Agriculture by Small Family Farmers:

    ORGANIC INDIA works with thousands of small family farmers in India to cultivate tens of thousands of acres of regenerative organic farmland. Regenerative agriculture is a sub-sector of organic farming that regenerates unhealthy soils and builds upon soil fertility, in order to protect and restore the earth. Regenerative agricultural practices go beyond organic and sustainable agriculture, by regenerating the soil, land, and surrounding ecosystem in order to restore vibrant health to the environment. Simply put, we put in more than we take out.

    Our commitment to agricultural regeneration includes our commitment to regenerate small family farmers and their communities through job opportunities, education, healthcare, access to clean water, job skills training and social programming. ORGANIC INDIA provides meaningful livelihoods to India's at-risk populations, including women, widows, the elderly and the illiterate, purchasing crops at a premium market price whether farmers fail or flourish. Farmers also rotate between growing crops on their land for ORGANIC INDIA with subsistence crops for themselves. This means that farming families are supported by a sustainable income, while at the same time improving and preserving their own health, a biodiverse natural environment and a strong community.

    By choosing ORGANIC INDIA teas and herbal supplements, you are not only investing in your health, but also helping to educate and pay living wages to our farmers in India, contributing the protection of Mother Nature and supporting a heart-centered company set to prove that business and values can peacefully coexist.   


    ORGANIC INDIA's Tulsi Teas and herbal supplements are lovingly grown and wildcrafted to provide whole herb solutions for healthy conscious living. Each product is one link in a chain of True Wellness between Mother Nature, our farmers and you.

    About Tulsi

    Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, is one of the most sacred plants in India. Considered "The Queen of the Herbs" for its restorative and spiritual properties, Tulsi has been used for thousands of years to support stress relief, natural detoxification, stamina, endurance and energy, immunity, digestion and respiratory functions, and to restore balance and harmony in the body.

    Modern research has classified Tulsi as an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogens have been shown to support the body's healthy reactions to stress. Adaptogenic herbs have been used in the Ayurvedic tradition for thousands of years to promote and maintain wellness. Many adaptogenic herbs have been referred to by herbalists as rejuvenative herbs, qi tonic herbs, rasayanas, or restorative herbs. They help the body adapt to environmental, physical, and emotional stressors, supporting normal functions and restoring balance throughout the body.

    ORGANIC INDIA's Tulsi Teas are not only organic and delicious, they are nature's perfect rejuvenative.

    Whole Herb Solutions

    While the current trend is to isolate compounds for their specific therapeutic quality, we use whole herbs in our Tulsi Teas and herbal supplement formulas, founded in a belief that the sum of the parts of the whole plant are more balanced than any one main constituent. Restorative properties come from the synergistic quality of plants-they were not meant to be scientifically separated into extracts-they were meant to be offered whole. In honoring the divine intelligence of the earth, we keep our herbal formulas as close to their original form as possible.

    With unique whole herb formulas, organically grown and ethically produced, ORGANIC INDIA's Ayurvedic herbal supplement line is designed to be both gentle and effective for everyone, regardless of body type.

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