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Organic Valley

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When purity of food is important, the name Organic Valley should come to mind. Organic Valley is dedicated to producing non-GMO dairy products from what might be some of the most contented cows in America.
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    Organic Valley

    Organic Valley Respects the Earth, People, and Animals

    When purity of food is important, the name Organic Valley should come to mind. Organic Valley is dedicated to producing non-GMO dairy products from what might be some of the most contented cows in America. Organic Valley knows that the closer they stick to how nature has intended, the better. Organic Valley offers a nutrient dense alternative to grocery store milk and butter. The ultra-clean packaging of Organic Valley milk means that it can be kept in the cupboard until it’s needed, freeing up more space in the fridge.

    The Organic Valley Difference

    As more information about the possible dangers of antibiotics used in dairy production has come out, Organic Valley has stepped to the forefront to produce dairy products that are free of antibiotics. Organic Valley also understands the potential problems from herbicides and pesticides. This is precisely why Organic Valley make sure that every drop of milk comes from cows that are antibiotic-free and have been fed on grass. Organic food is actually more nutrient dense and nutritious than food that has been produced with the use of chemicals. Organic Valley is fussy so that their customers will have better milk to drink.

    A Co-op Where Every Member Is an Owner

    Organic Valley had its beginning back in 1988 when some farmers in Wisconsin were sick and tired of family farms declining. They were told that agribusiness was the answer, but they rolled up their sleeves and formed the Organic Valley cooperative. By working together, these farmers were able to stake out a place in the market. Every member is an owner in Organic Valley, so every member has a real incentive to make sure that every Organic Valley product is simply the very finest possible. Contented cows + happy farmers = great products.