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Raw Rev

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Experts in making protein and fiber rich foods and supplements delicious, Raw Rev uses simple ingredients to build powerful energy and nutrient bars. They aim to provide robust doses of high quality protein and dietary fiber, along with vitamins and minerals, in savory, vegan nutrition bars.
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    Raw Rev

    Raw Rev’s Vegan Nutrition Bars feature Top Quality Protein & Fiber

    Experts in making protein and fiber rich foods and supplements delicious, Raw Rev uses simple ingredients to build powerful energy and nutrient bars. They aim to provide robust doses of high quality protein and dietary fiber, along with vitamins and minerals, in savory, vegan nutrition bars. Designed with a rich, mouth-watering chocolate flavor, they use plant-based superfoods instead of whey to deliver support to your workouts. Pea protein, organic hemp protein, and brown rice protein energize you and bulk up your muscles without resorting to animal products.

    Clean Vegan Recipes set Raw Rev Apart from the Pack

    In addition to being 100% vegan, Raw Rev’s protein and energy bars are made wholesome in multiple other ways. Moist and toothsome, the recipes are also carefully made to supply lots of natural antioxidants to help protect the cells from free radicals. The ingredient list is gluten-free, kosher, and GMO-free. Raw Rev not only avoids using whey and other non-vegan products, but also doesn’t use soy protein. Its bars are scrupulously free of preservatives, sugar alcohols, and grains, and are made low-sugar, too.

    Helping People Become Vegan with Useful, Tasty Nutrition Bars

    A visiting nurse and passionate vegan, Alice Benedetto promoted veganism among her patients. She soon realized that veganism would be easier for people with an active lifestyle if they had delicious, protein-rich foods available to support their workouts. She tested snacks with her neighbors, friends, and relatives. When she hit the winning taste, she went into business with a small but dedicated team – and Raw Rev is the result. Today, the company makes pea protein and nut-based nutrition that’s also decadently enjoyable.