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Endangered Species

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Founded in 1993, Endangered Species Chocolate has been on a mission ever since to to spread awareness about the growing numbers of plant and animal species that are disappearing from Earth at an alarming rate. Endangered Species Chocolate wants to redefine the term "endangered" because all species are at risk, not only the animals who have made it onto a list.
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    Endangered Species

    Endangered Species Chocolate Bars & Bites

    Founded in 1993, Endangered Species Chocolate has been on a mission ever since to to spread awareness about the growing numbers of plant and animal species that are disappearing from Earth at an alarming rate. Endangered Species Chocolate wants to redefine the term "endangered" because all species are at risk, not only the animals who have made it onto a list. They donate a percentage of their net profits to this cause. Along the way, Endangered Species Chocolate ends up being some of the best-tasting chocolate around, with something for everyone. They offer over 28 flavor varieties.

    Real, Delicious Chocolate on a Mission

    Besides their dedication to saving the plants and animals on our Earth, Endangered Species Chocolate is committed to people, too. All of their chocolate is fair-trade sourced, meaning the people and areas where the chocolate comes from receive fair compensation and fair work environments. This empowers farming communities while fostering a better place for plants and animals, too. You can feel good about choosing high-quality, premium Endangered Species Chocolate. Some popular optins include Extreme Dark Chocolate Bites which are 88% Cocoa and the Dark Chocolate 72% Cocoa Blueberry Bar. Other well-loved flavors include Hazelnut Toffee, Smooth & Creamy Milk Chocolate bar, Vibrant Cherries, and Almond Sea Salt.

    Fair Trade Chocolate

    Endangered Species Chocolate is a proud partner of Fairtrade International. This partnership ensures that Endangered Species Chocolate will fulfill their promises to the consumer, to the environment, and to the struggling farming communities where the best chocolate comes from. Other chocolate companies may exploit these communities in exchange for cheap labor and cheap chocolate ingredients. Endangered Species Chocolate will never operate their business like that. Fair Trade means a lot more than fair prices. It protects the workers from exploitation. And, it helps protect their natural community and environment while paying fair wages.